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1.Do you like shopping?

2.How often do you usually go shopping?

3.When was the last time you had a great shopping experience?

4.Where do you usually go shopping, big shopping malls or small stores?


•Shopping mall/center购物中心department store百货商店convenience store便利店grocery store杂货店

outlets品牌折扣店online shopping网上购物

flea market 跳蚤市场stall货摊



Leggings打底裤down jacket 羽绒服


pullover套衫V-neck V领



flip-flop 人字拖scarf围巾

bow tie 领结

•Pricey/expensive/ dear 昂贵的



•Shop assistant店员

•Group purchase 团购

•Copycat 山寨货

•Window shopping只看不买

•Shopping is my favorite pastime 购物是我最喜欢的消遣

•I tend to buy things on impulse 我买东西总是很冲动

•Shop till I drop 疯狂购物

•I love name-brand stuff 我喜欢名牌产品

•It cost me an arm and a leg /a fortune 花了我大价钱

•it was really pricey/expensive 这东西很贵



1.Do you like shopping?

A: Definitely, I am a born shopping freak and always have impulse buying. Unlike boys who think that window shopping is waste of time and energy, I think even window shopping can make my day. Men always believe that it is absurd that women spend hours and hours shopping at malls. What can I say? Maybe they just don’t know women. Just like we girls can never understand why men can talk about stocks and cars all day long!

B: I am not a big fan of it. I think window shopping is waste of time and energy, I always believe that it is absurd that women spend hours and hours shopping at malls. Maybe we just don’t know women. Just like girls can never understand why we can talk about stocks and cars all day long!

2.How often do you usually go shopping?

Generally speaking, I go shopping once a week, but it varies. It depends on my mood. If I am in the mood to go shopping, I will go shopping anytime.

3.When was the last time you had a great shopping experience?

It was this August, I went shopping with my friends. It was the final sale. Everything was on sale. Those discounts were up to 80%, tempting, huh? We got a lot of things, which were really bargains. It was a great day and an excellent shopping experience!

4.Where do you usually go shopping, big shopping malls or small stores?

It depends on what I want to buy. If I buy some daily necessities, I will go to a supermarket; if I look for some clothes, I will choose some shopping malls, franchised stores or those fancy boutiques. If I have a fairly tight budget, I might consider shopping online. Taobao is my favorite. There are millions of eye-dazzling products, the same stuff, the same quality, and lower prices.
