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英语写作常用逻辑关联词,副词和语气的表达(一)、大的逻辑顺序关系(逻辑性副词) (二)、转折






in the first place. Firstly

in the second place, secondly






to begin with



in the long run最终

at long last终于at long last, I

go to the length of doing such things竟做出这种事at length终于



even as 1、恰在……时,尽管Latin America is a classic example where outside the Uruguay round(even as they were negotiating the Uruguay round)rather than looking for payments, they were absolutely dropping their tariff levels all over Latin America.

2、正如:It happened even as we expected.

Even so,即使如此。

Even if(though)

As for

As of

As to the feasibility of landing a fly saucer

For all(尽管)its harshness and irrationality(不合理), it is the only world we’ve got.


On the ground of: 以……为借口

The government of Sudan resorted to flogging鞭子,鞭打protesters Tuesday as new bread riots shocked the capital Khartoum. The court ordered 35 people, most of them students, flogged for allegedly instigating鼓动violent protesters over bread shortages. Bakeshops refuse to bake bread on the ground of the new government regulation on the weight of loaf make bread unprofitable.

按……考虑in the light of the

in the shadow of adv. 在...附近

除了…… ot her than:

You can’t go there other than by boat = except

I wish her other than she is. = anything but.

注意:none other than表示不是别的,正是……,如

The new arrival was none other than the president.来者不是别人,正是总统。



So far, as yet, thus far

As yet迄今(未)Nobody as yet has defined for an example fully what they mean by labour rights.例如迄今还没有人对劳动权是何意作出充分的定义。

不再:are no longer

Thus far迄今为止:She has had good luck thus far.到目前为此她事事顺利。

Thus much至少这些:Thus much is certain.这些是确实的。

结果是:It fell out that they were late for the train.

不料:He arrived at the station, only to find that the train had left.

碰巧:As luck would have it, our team won the match.

正是:The new arrival was none other than the president.



He won’t even to thank you, let alone pay you. 连谢谢都不说,更不用说还给你钱了。

He speaks French, not to mention English. 更不用说

We defy death, not to speak of hardship.更不用说艰苦了。

He is cool, not to say hostile.虽然不能说。


都一样,不管是否下雨:It’s a ll the same to me, whether it rains or not.

他有缺点,我一样爱他:He has faults, but I like him all the same.

即使面对:He succeeded in the face of great difficulties.尽管有巨大的困难,但他成功了。

至多:at the outside

无论如何:in any event


For all(尽管): For all its harshness and irrati onality, it is the only world we’ve got.(第五册课
