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According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.


There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________.

3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___ Nowadays there is

a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________.


Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because

______________. Besides, ______________.


______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________.


Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它For years

______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____ It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because



______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided

10、_____在人群中已经成为热门话题,特别是在年轻人中,激烈的争论无休止______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

1起伏不定go up and down/ wave/ fluctuate/ be unstable/ be in flexible

2 The first point to note is the huge increase in the number of需要注意的第一点就是…的急剧增长

3 The statistics show that这些数据表明

4占百分之几Form/comprise/make up/constitute/ account for ….percent

5 This cure graph describes the trend of该曲线图描述了…的趋势

6 The statistics lead us to the conclusion that由这些数据,我们可以做出如下结论

7 As can be seen from the line graph, 由线状图我们可以看出

8增加:Increase / raise / rise / go up/ soar/ ascend/ mount/ climb

9减少:Decrease / grow down / drop / fall/ reduce/ descend/ shrink to/decline

10稳定:Remain stable / stabilize / level off/ remain unchanged

11 It can be seen from the table that由表格我们可以看出

12 The table shows the changes in the numb er of… over the period from…to…该表格展示了从…到…数据的变化

13 The table provides some data of该表格提供了有关…的数据

14 As can be seen clearly from the table,从表格中我们可以清楚地看出,

15 As can be seen from the table, great changes have taken place in...从表格中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化

16 This table illustrates the changing proportion of A and B from...to...该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系

17急剧地sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically, suddenly

18显著地,considerably, significantly, noticeably, remarkably, rapidly

19稳步地, 逐渐地steadily, moderately, gradually, smoothly

20轻微地, 缓慢地slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately

21 The following diagram shows the structure of...... 以下的图展示了...的结构

22 The picture illustrates...... 该图展示了...

23 It mainly consists of following steps. 它主要包括以下步骤

24The whole procedure can be divided into...stages. 整个的过程可以分为...步
