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Part ⅢPoetic Genres and Kinds


There has never been a very precise agreement as to how the classification should be done. Different poems are said to belong to different groups, class. field according to subject matter, level of language, mode of presentation , shape of plot , prose or verse form , etc .

Genre here is to indicate the traditional classroom distinction between fiction, poetry, and drama in which poetry is considered as a genre of literary works.

A. classification in terms of organization 按组织方式分类

A made is employed to indicate basic literary patterns of organizing experience. 组织经历和体验方式

1. Narrative mode tells a story and organizes experience along a time continuum.

2. Dramatic mode presents a change and organizes experience emotionally according to the rise and fall of someone’s fortunes.

3. Lyric mode reflects upon an experience or an idea and organizes experience irrespective of time and space.

B. Classification in terms of dominant emotion

One may also think of modes in terms of the dominant emotion they arouse in their presentations of experience.

1. Tragedy or the tragic mode describes one’s downfall and a stately language is often used.

2. Comedy or the comic mode describes one’s triumph and more common language is used.

3. Romance or the romantic mode describes the ideal, often in terms of nostalgia or fantasy or longing.

4. Satire or the satiric mode attacks the way things are and use, distributes the blame.

C. Major kinds

Poetry as a genre may be subdivided into kinds (or types, or subgenre). Even if one does not believe in kinds as absolutes, knowing the characteristics of major kinds can be useful to readers in letting them know what to expect of a poem. Over years there has been general agreement about some of these kinds and their characteristics:

A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from

which it originated.

1.Epic / Heroic poetry 史诗/ 英雄史诗

——highest is a hierarchy of kinds.

It describes the great deeds of mighty heroes or heroines and uses elevated language and a grand, high style.

E.g. Milton’s Paradise Lost

Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey

Dante’s Divine Comedy

Anglo-Saxon Beowulf

2. Pastoral Poetry 田园诗/牧歌

It describes the simple life of country folk, usu. shepherds who live a timeless, painless life in a world that is full of beauty, music, and love, and that remains forever green.

——Also called Eclogue, bucolic or idyll.

3. Elegy 挽歌

Since the Renaissance the term indicated a formal lament for the death of a particular person.

4. Mock poem 讽刺诗

Poems of any kind in order to attack sth / a specific vice
