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1.---- I can’t stand David any longer. He’s always finding fault with me.

---- ______. He isn’t so bad actually.

A.It’s my guess B.Up to you

C.Oh, come on D.You are right




考查情景交际用语。句意:——我再也不能忍受大卫了。他总是对我吹毛求疵。——哦,得了吧。他其实没那么坏。A. It’s my guess这是我的猜测;B. Up to you由你做主;C. Oh, come on哦,得了吧;D. You are right你是对的。结合句意,故选C。

2.—Thank Goodness! We have completed our task before the deadline. It is very kind of you to help us.


A.With pleasure B.That’s all right

C.By all means D.OK




考查情景对话。句意:——谢天谢地!我们在最后期限之前完成了任务。你帮助我们真是太好了。——没什么。A. With pleasure我很愿意;B. That’s all right没什么;C. By all means尽一切办法;D. OK好的,根据题意,故选B。

3.---You don't so well, Betty. What's the matter with you?

---I’m going to have the first round of interview tomorrow, so I’m____.

A.feeling on cloud nine B.feeling hot under the collar

C.felling down in the dumps D.feeling butterflies in my stomach




考查习惯用语。句意:--贝蒂,你不太好。怎么了?--我明天要去第一轮面试,所以我感到心里七上八下的。A. feeling on cloud nine飘飘然;B. feeling hot under the collar怒气冲冲;

C. felling down in the dumps情绪低落;

D. feeling butterflies in my stomach七上八下。由上文可知,贝蒂此刻是因为明天的面试感到紧张,心里七上八下,故选D。




4.— The final examination is around the corner. I couldn't go out and play football with you.— Come on. . All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

A.Be all ears B.It’s a piece of cake

C.Don’t be a wet blanket D.Don’t pull my leg




考查情景对话。句意:---期末考试临近了。我不能出去和你踢足球。---来吧,别扫兴了。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Be all ears全神贯注地听着,专心倾听;a piece of cake 小菜一碟; 非常容易的事;Don’t be a wet blanke别扫兴了;Don’t pull my leg别拉我的腿。根据句意可知,此处只有C符合题意,故选C。

5.﹣It really annoys me when a person's cell phone goes off during a movie?

﹣Yeah, me too. It really _________.

A.costs me an arm and a leg B.gets on my nerves

C.beats my brains out D.pulls my legs



试题分析:考查交际用语和谚语。谚语:It really costs me an arm and a leg。它真是太贵了。 It really gets on my nerves它让我心神不宁。beats my brains out绞尽脑汁;pulls my legs 开玩笑,愚弄我;句意:—看电影时,有人手机响起来,真让我生气。—是的,我也一样。它让我心神不宁。根据句意可知B项正确。


6.--- Aren’t you cold? --- ____. I’m boiling.

A.Take it easy. B.That’s all right.

C.Not a little. D.Far from it.



考查交际用语。Take it easy放松,别紧张;That’s all right不用谢;Not a little很,十分;Far from it远非如此,正相反。句意:难道你不冷吗?正相反,我很热。所以选D。

7.The young man is very excellent. Now he is the ______ of a big company.

A.top dog B.cold fish

C.white elephant D.black sheep


