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Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best ans wers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct ans wer on the ans wer sheet.

1.“And we wi ll sit upon the rocks, /Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,/By shallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals.” The above lines are taken from ______.

A. Milton‟s Paradise Lost

B. Marlowe‟s “The Passionate shepherd to His Love”

C. Shak espeare‟s “Sonnet 18”

D. John Donne‟s “The Sun Rising”

2.The English Renaissance period was an age of ______ .

A. poetry and drama

B. drama and novel

C. novel and poetry

D. romance and poetry

3.Here are four lines taken from Edmund Spenser‟s The Faerie Queene: “But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore,/The deare remembrance of his dying Lord,/For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore,/And dead as living ever him adored.” Who is the “dying Lord” discussed in the above lines?

A. Beowu lf

B. King Arthur

C. Jesus Christ

D. Jupiter

4.In Shakespeare‟s Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed from Shylock, because ______.

A. his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industry

B. his enterprise went bankrupt

C. Bassanio was able to pay his own debt

D. his ships had all been lost

5. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare‟s Sonnet 18?

A. The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.

B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.

C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.

D. The speaker meditates on man‟s salvation.

6. In English poetry, a four-line stanza is called ______.

A. heroic couplet

B. quatrain

C. Spenserian stanza

D. terza rima

7. “Let not Ambit ion mock their useful toil,/Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;/Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile /The short and simple annals of the poor.”

The above lines are taken from .

A. Alexander Pope‟s Essay on Criticism

B. Coleridge‟s “Kubla Khan”

C. John Donne‟s “The Sun Rising”

D. Thomas Gray‟s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”

8. By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of V anity Fair, John Bunyan intends to show the prevalent political and religious ______of his time.

A. persecution

B. improvement

C. prosperity

D. disillusionment

9. The 18th century witnessed a new literary form-the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ______ presentation of life of the common people.

A. romantic

B. realistic

C. prophetic

D. idealistic

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