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汇报人:Guo Yuefen 时间:2019年03月25日
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Pursuit of Happiness >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Movie hero
Chris Gardner, the hero of the film, work as a salesman. Because sales were poor. His wife chose to leave, he lives alone with his son. In the end, Chris used his clever mind to succeeded in finance. 影片主角克里斯 加德纳是一 名销售员。因为销售很差,他 的妻子选择离开,他和儿子相 依为命。最后,克里斯用他聪 明的头脑在金融上取得了成功。
1. Destiny is a circle, not a straight line.
Pursuit of Happiness
2. The essence of ups and downs is the normal life.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Pursuit of Happiness
The film tells us a desperate salesman who is on the verge of bankruptcy and his wife is leaving home. He works hard to fulfill his single parent responsibility, strives to become a stock market trader and finally becomes a well-known financial investor. 这部电影向我们讲述了:一个绝望的推销员濒 临破产,他的妻子离开了家。他努力履行单亲 父母的责任,努力成为一名股票交易员,最终 成为一名知名的金融投资者。
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Pursuit of Happiness >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Father and son in the basketball court dialogue: "Don't let people say you can't do big things, including me, okay?" "If you have a dream, you have to protect it." "People who don't make a success of themselves will say you can't Байду номын сангаасake a success of yourself." "This very short period of my life is called happiness."
The Pursuit of Happiness
汇报人:Group 8 时间:2019年3月25日
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Pursuit of Happiness >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What do you think happiness is?
How do we pursue happiness?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pursuit of Happiness
1. Concept 04 2. Movie hero 3. Plot 4. Significance