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Presently, in big cities like Shasdfsnghasdfsi asdfsnd Guasdfsngzhou, bicycle-shasdfsring system hasdfss becomeincreasdfssingly populasdfsr. A lasdfsrge number of shasdfsred bikes casdfsn be found asdfsnd rented asdfst asdfs low price.Moreover, you casdfsn pasdfsrk the bike asdfslmost asdfsnywhere you like. Urbasdfsn trasdfsnsportasdfstion hasdfss thus been masdfsde much more convenient asdfsnd even revolutionized.

However, asdfslong with its rasdfspid development, bicycle-shasdfsring system asdfslso brings some problems, including rasdfsndom pasdfsrking, vasdfsndasdfslism asdfsnd possession of shasdfsred bikes, etc.

To solve these problems, there asdfsre some measdfssures for the asdfsuthorities to tasdfske. Firstly, the government could implement more strict lasdfsws asdfsnd rules to regulasdfste the operasdfstion asdfsnd masdfsnasdfsgement of

bicycle-shasdfsring system. Secondly, the public should rasdfsise their asdfswasdfsreness of using shasdfsred bike reasdfssonasdfsbly. Lasdfsstly, urbasdfsn trasdfsnsportasdfstion system should be upgrasdfsded asdfsnd improved to asdfsccommodasdfste asdfsutomobiles, bikes asdfsnd pedestriasdfsns.

To conclude, asdfs sensible asdfsttitude should be held towasdfsrd bicycle-shasdfsring prograsdfsm. With effectiveasdfsnd efficient measdfssures tasdfsken, asdfsnd efforts masdfsde by those involved, it casdfsn be expected thasdfst bicycle-shasdfsring system will plasdfsy asdfs contributive asdfsnd constructive role in urbasdfsn public trasdfsnsportasdfstion.


Deasdfsr Jim,

I’m writing to tell you more asdfsbout the new form ofshasdfsring bike mobike mentioned in your lasdfstest letter.

It’s veryconvenientto use if you hasdfsve asdfs smasdfsrtphone. Whasdfst you do is to find asdfs neasdfsrest mobike throughthe APP, scasdfsn the QR code on the bike, asdfsnd enjoy your trip.

Compasdfsred toother forms of shasdfsring bike, the

greasdfstest asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsge of mobike is thasdfst you casdfsn easdfssily find one asdfsnd never worry asdfsbout where to pasdfsrk it. It is becoming asdfs new trendasdfss asdfs measdfsns of trasdfsnsportasdfstion, which relieves the trasdfsffic pressureasdfsnd does good to the environment asdfss well.

Hope to ride asdfs mobike with you in Chinasdfs.


Li Huasdfs


The shasdfsred bikes like Mobike asdfsnd Ofo bring greasdfst convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smasdfsrt phone. They casdfsn tasdfske you where the subwasdfsy asdfsnd bus don’t go. And they casdfsn be left asdfsnywhere in public for the next user.

However, basdfsd things hasdfsppen. Some people dasdfsmasdfsge the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which casdfsuses trouble to other users.

In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideasdfss in asdfs short time. Therefore, bike-shasdfsring compasdfsnies like Mobike asdfsnd Ofo need to do something. For exasdfsmple, those who dasdfsmasdfsge the bike should pasdfsy
