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考寄语 首先预祝你2018年军考取得好成绩!军考真题的参考意义巨大,希望你好好利用这份军考真题。

如果你在备考军考的过程中遇到学习方面的问题,可以下载军考通APP ,上面有与边消防士兵考学配套的视频课,相信对你的军考备考会有很大帮助,现在军考通APP 视频课免费公开了20%。 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)

第一节:语音辨析(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 选出下列各组单词中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。

1.A. blood B. foot C. good D. look

2.A. much B. put C. luck D. but

3.A. seat B. bread C. please D. meat

4.A. snow B. window C. follow D. cow

5.A. buses B. horses C. houses D. glasses


从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

6.The problem is so difficult that ____ of us can work it out.

A. few

B. some

C. any

D. many 7.____ is known to all that the earth runs around the sun.

A. That

B. As

C. It

D. What 8.We have received ____ that Peter may have left the country.

A. suggestion

B. attention

C. invitation

D. information 9.Excuse me, could I use your car?____ is under repair.

A. My

B. Yours

C. Mine

D. Your 10.—Shall we have ____ walk after dinner?

—I ’d like to, but ____ friend of mine will visit me.

A. a;the

B. a;a

C. the;the

D. the;/

11.We have many friends, but ____ has been around for further education.

A. none

B. neither

C. all

D. both

12.—The clouds are gathering.

—It is ____ to rain this afternoon.

A. lovely

B. lonely

C. lively

D. likely

13.Would you please pass me the salt? It is ____ my reach.

A. over

B. within

C. around

D. beyond 14.—____ do you wash your hair?

—Every three days.

A. How soon

B. How often

C. How long

D. How far

15.He considered ____ his duty to help the poor.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. one

16.It takes a lot ____ a house in this part of London.

A. buying

B. to buy

C. bought

D. buys

17.We are proud that the old ____ in China.

A. are well taken care of

B. is well taken care of

C. have taken care of

D. has taken care of

18.So loudly ____ last night that even people next door could hear him.

A. does he speak

B. he spoke

C. did he speak

D. speaks he 19.After he had broken the world record, Rod ____ to a restaurant to celebrate with his friends.

A. has gone

B. had gone

C. would go

D. went 20.Great changes ____ in my hometown in the past five years.

A. took place

B. will take place

C. have taken place

D. take place 21.Do you know the man ____ car was stolen?

A. whose

B. who

C. that

D. which 22.She was excited about ____ to New York.

A. to move

B. moves

C. moved

D. moving 23.Some of the people ____ to the party cannot come.

A. inviting

B. was invited

C. invited

D. was inviting 24.She asked me ____ I was going there by train or by plane.

A. that

B. whether

C. when

D. why 25.Let’s go to the movies tonight, ____we?

A. shall

B. will

C. do

D. can

26.I can’t leave. My boss told me that I ____ stay here until he comes back.

A. can

B. must

C. will

D. may 27.Obey the rules, ____ you will be punished.

A. so

B. but

C. or

D. and

28.____ everyone is here. Let’s get down to business.

A. now that

B. not until

C. before

D. unless

29.____your children to try new things, and never push them too hard.

A. make

B. let

C. have

D. encourage 30.The sports meeting was ____because of the heavy rain.

A. put out

B. put off

C. put up

D. put down 31.—The food ____ good.

—Please have some more.

A. taste

B. tastes

C. is tasted

D. is tasting 32.____ our country, we should build up our body.

A. Defend

B. Defending

C. Having defended

D. To defend 33.It won’t be long ____ you go to college.

A. since

B. after

C. before

D. until

34.____ great progress you’ve made since you came here!

A. How a

B. How

C. What a

D. what

35.I’ve no idea ____.

A. which book should I choose

B. which book I should choose
