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(2009-02-19 21:55:04)









a boat 小船 a coat 外衣 a cake蛋糕

a gate大门 a lake湖 a foot脚wood圆木 a kite风筝 a bike自行车a key钥匙 a knee膝盖 a bee蜜蜂

a cat猫 a bag包 a cook厨师

a book书 a cup杯子 a nut坚果

a hut茅屋 a yo-yo溜溜球 a UFO飞碟

a car小汽车 a star星星 a mouse老鼠a house房子 a bird小鸟 a skirt裙子a girl女孩the moon月亮 a spoon勺子eyes眼睛night夜晚 a fish鱼

a dish盘子 a bed床 a pen钢笔

a box盒子 a dog狗 a deer 鹿ears耳朵 a beard胡子


——Hello, boys and girls!

——Hello, Miss Wang!

——See you, Kate!

——How are you, Guoguo?

——I’m fine. Thank you.

——How are you, Lala?

——Fine. And you?

——I’m fine, too.

——How are you, Big Bird? ——Fine. Thank you. How are you? ——I’m fine, too.

——Good afternoon, Aunt Liu! ——Hi! What’s your name?

——I’m Lingling.

——Nice to meet you, Lingling. ——Nice to meet you, too.

——Hi! What’s your name?

——My name is Kate.

——Nice to meet you.

——Merry Christmas to you!

——Merry Christmas, Santa!

——Happy New Year, Uncle Bob! ——Happy New Year, Guoguo!

——Happy New Year, Lingling! ——The same to you. 小韵文:

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Hello, hello, let’s go. Take your coat, let’s go. Hello, hello, let’s go.

To my boat, let’s go. Dave, Dave, at the gate,

He is waiting for his


His Kate is by the lake.

A foot, a foot,

A foot on the wood. The wood, the wood, The wood under the foot.

Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 I have a bike, I like my bike. I have a kite, I like my kite. What do you see? I see a key on his knee. What do you see?

I see a bee on his knee.

A cat, a fat cat, A bag, a black bag, A fat cat in a black


Lesson 9

Lesson 10 Lesson 11 A cook, a cook,

A nut, a nut, I have a yo-yo.

You can have a book. A cook, a cook,

You can have a cookbook. A nut in a cup, A cup, a cup,

A cup in a hut. You have a yo-yo. We each have a cute yo-yo.

Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Little mouse, little mouse,

Please come out of your


Big Bird, Big Bird, Bring back my skirt.

Little girl, little girl,

Here is your skirt.

Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 I see the moon, Like a big spoon. I see the moon, Like a silver spoon. Good night, close your eyes.

Good night, sleep tight.

Fish, fish in my dish,

I like my yummy, yummy


Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23

Pet, pet, on my bed, Pet, pet, get off my bed. Pet, pet, see the pen? Pet, pet, get the pen. Dear dog, dear dog, In the box is a hot dog. Dear dog, dear dog, You can have the hot dog. A deer, a deer, A deer has two ears. A deer, a deer, A deer has no beard.

(五)课堂指令语: Unit 1 Come here, please. Please go back. Unit 2 Sit down, please. Please stand up.

Unit 3

Please open your books. Close your books, please.
