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A.some , any

1.Would you like______more?

2.There are some apples on the table. You can take______of them.


1.Is there______different in today’s newspaper?

2.As I know, he knows_______about t his old town, so you don’t have to ask him.

3.I don’t think he knows______about his family now.

4.There is______wrong with my watch. It doesn’t work.

5.________is ready now. Let’s start(开始)

C.somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), everybody (everyone), nobody

1.I didn’t know______there.

2.There is________in the room. It is empty(空的).

3.She is friendly to______. We all like to make friends with her.

4.I saw______pass, but I didn’t know who it was.

D.everyone, every one

1.The question is quite easy.________can answer it.

2.I believe that_______of us will have a present from them.

E. none, nobody

1._____ of his friends wants to help him again. He felt disappointed(失望).

2.I have some books with me, but____of them are the ones you like.

3.______wants to live in such a poor(贫穷的)house.

F.either, each, any

1.There’s tea and coffee. You can have______.

2.You can find many trees on_____side of the river.

3.______of the students in her class sent her a greeting card on New Year’s Day.

G.both, all

1.There were two girls at the door.____of them were smiling(微笑).

2.I don’t know which movie is more interesting. I want to see____.


A.another, other, others, the other, the others

1. I only found Jim and Tom there. Where are____?

2.Of these three girls one comes from China and______two come from Japan.

3.This sweater is a little too big for me. Can I try on(试穿)?

4.Some like black tea,_____prefer(偏爱) green tea.

5.I don’t like these colors. Show me some_____ , please.

6.Have you any____books on this subject?

7. Saying is one thing and doing is_______.

8. It is always hard to tell the twins one from______.

B.few, a few, little, a little

1.There is a little bird in the tree, but only ______ people saw it.

2.Could I have______words with you, Miss White?

3. We don’t like him, because he does______for other people.

4. He has friends here and he seldom goes out on weekend.

5. There is only_____water in the pot(锅).

C.neither, none, either

1.I know_____of the two students.

3.He doesn’t agree with_____of his parents on many things.

D.one, the one, ones, one’s

1.These shirts are too small. I want to have some bigger______.

2.Which boy is your son?—_____in a red cap.

3._____has to do_____best.

4.I have only one small flower on my desk and she has three



1.Have you seen the three apples on the table? You can take ______ of them.

A. the one

B. something

C. anything

D. any

2.These trousers don’t fit(适合) me. ______ are too long and ______ are too short.

A. Some, others

B. Some, the others

C. These, those

D. These, the other

3.Did you enjoy ______ last night, Lucy and Lily?

A. yourselves

B. yourself

C. you

D. your time

4._____ is three plus (加)four?— ______ seven.

A. How many, They are

B. What number, It’s
