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Is still a great positive significance of the Olympic movement in modern society
IOC is the supreme governing body of the modern Olympic movement
Modern Olympic Games, the Olympic Movement
The great progress of human civilization
The ancient Greek civilization to create the sport of war and religion, the first ancient Olympic Games held at Olympia, the Greek citystate is generally the result of the war-weary - its savage war showdown, as its basis through peaceful competition. Olympia is the peace the Holy Land "" in the war, her separated from the military needs, through peaceful, fair game to show people the strength and entrepreneurial spirit of competitive sports. Each contestant must face the Statue of Zeus oath, never non-legitimate means for the game, with wreath of olive branch symbolizes peace, the General Assembly as a reward to the champion; the General Assembly on fraud and severely punished, and so on. The spirit and guidelines embodied in the desire for peace and a sense of fairness,
The Olympic Games is a great creation of the Greek people
The production of the Olympic Games is the great progress of human civilization
The Olympic Movement is to inherit and carry forward of the ancient Olympic spirit
Olympic sport originated
The ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to the 11th century BC to 776 BC have recorded. In 884 BC, Elis city-states of Greece and Sparta city a competition for Olympia's war. The request of the people longing for peace and freedom of life, ancient Greece Elis King, King of Sparta and pizza king signed a "sacred truce" agreement, the provisions of the Olympia is the place of the sacred and inviolable, and peace in the Holy Land and competitive place, and decided to Olympia Zeus Temple organized the festival and organized the first ancient Olympic Games, held every four years.
Olympic Games
Overview of the Olympic Movement The Ancient Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games Olympic Movement in China
Overview of the Olympic Movement
公元前776年,希腊人开始举行体育竞赛以敬其众神之父宙斯。这些体育竞赛在 奥林匹斯山脚下举行,于是被称为奥林匹克运动会。来自各个城邦的男子每4年聚会 一次,参加不同项目的体育竞赛。奥林匹克运动会有助于希腊人的团结,因而非常重 要。运动会的项目有赛跑、跳高以及掷铁饼和标枪。赛马和马拉战车也是其中的一 部分。希腊人发现体育运动技能和身体健康很重要,以至于奥林匹克运动会的得胜者 就成了伟大的英雄并得奖。今天的奥林匹克运动会仍然每4年举行一次,是模仿早先 的希腊运动会的。有许多国家参加现代奥林匹克运动会。
பைடு நூலகம்
The Origin of 0lympic Game
To honor the father of their gods, Zeus, the Greeks began in 776 B.C. to hold athletic contests. These athletic contests were held at the foot of Mount Olympus and were called Olympic Game. Men from each of the city-states met every four years and took part in different athletic contests. This was very important because the Olympic Games helped unite the Greeks. The men raced, jumped, and threw the discus and javelin. Horse and chariot races were part of the program. Since the Greeks felt that athletic skill and fitness of the body were so important, the winners at the Olympic Games became great heroes and received awards. Today's Olympic Games, which are still held every four years, are copied from these early Greek games. Many nations take part in the Modern Olympics.
古希代腊奥的运伊可利以斯追城溯邦到和公斯元巴前达城11世邦纪发单,生击但了桌到一面公场换元为页前争7夺76奥年林才匹有亚记的载战。争公。元在前人88民4年渴,望 和平自由的生活要求下,古希腊伊利斯国王,斯巴达国王和比萨国王签定了“神 圣休战”协定,规定奥林匹亚是神圣不可侵犯的地方,并将其作为和平的圣地和 竞技的场所,并决定在奥林匹亚“宙斯神”庙前举办祭祀活动和举办第一届古代 奥运会,每四年举行一次。