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1.(do visit carry were tired mend was busy cleaned washed) Yesterday _______ Sunday, but the children were very _________.They

________some old people in their town. They helped these people ________ housework. Mary _______ clothes for Grandma Wu. Li lei ______ Grandpa Dong’s room. Tom helped Mr. Lin __________ his TV. Jim and Liu Dong helped Mrs. Lin

________ some heavy boxes.

In the evening, they were very ________, but they _______ very happy.

2.(swimming, tall, lake, during, cooked , over ,busy, mend had, went)

Miss Wu ____ to Guangzhou ________ the summer holiday. She saw some

________ buildings in the city. Last week, she was very ________.She _______ lunch for her family. She helped grandma _______her shirt. She went ______ with her cousins. She fished in the __________. The summer holiday was ___________.She

________ a good time.

3.(had, is , writes, with, live see, were wrote want about)

It is five o’clock now. Jim is writing a letter .He usually _________ letters to his friends and tells them________ his life in China. Last Sunday, Jim ______ a good time. Lin Tao went to the park _______ him. There ______ a lot of people in the park. They saw many boats. Jim didn’t ______ to go in a boat. So they went for a little walk. Jim ______ in his letter,“We ______ near the city. There _____ a big zoo in the city. Next month, we are going to _______ the pandas in the zoo.”

4.(study visited has for last keep from grades borrow big)

I _________ Dong Fan Primary School ________ year. The school is a _______ one. There are six ________ . There are five classes in every grade. And it _______

thirty-five classrooms. There is a big library in it. The students can_______ books

____ the library. They can __________the book ______ three weeks. They can ____ in it ,too.

5.(happy angry sad dirty came way himself laughed wanted jumped)

Tom was very ________ because he wore(穿着)a new shirt yesterday morning. But on his _______ home from school, he _______ to catch the dog, and ______ into the water near the road, and his new shirt was very ________.He was very

__________.But his classmates ___________him. When he ______ home, his mother was _______.then she asked Tom wash the new shirt by_______________.

6.(on here says doesn’t cinema home stops sitting stands down)

It is Sunday. Joan _______ go to school. But she is not at ________.She now _______ on a bus. She is going to the _______ .An old woman gets _______ the bus.

Joan__________ up and says to her,“Come and sit _______ ,please.”The old woman goes over and sits ______ .she says,“Thanks you very much, dear little girl.”The bus ________ near the cinema. Joan _______ good bye to the old woman and gets off the bus. The old woman smiles(微笑) and waves(打招呼)to her.

7.(homework mall friend bought busy tired doctor made park tomorrow)My mother was very ________ yesterday. At six thirty in the morning, she ran in the ________. She went to the shopping _______ at eight o’clock. She ________many food. Then she took my grandmother go to see the _________ at ten o’clock. At two thirty in the afternoon, she went to see a __________.After than at four, she

__________ a dress herself for me, because the day after ________ is my birthday, she did________ at five thirty. She was _________ at night.
