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Declining Invitation to Speak

Guidelines : Declining Invitation to Speak

Declining Invitations to Speak

Guidelines and Alternate Phrases

∙Express appreciation for the invitation.

∙Thank you so much for thinking of me in choosing a speaker for your upcoming May 2 luncheon.

∙I was delighted to get your invitation to address the group on May 2.

∙Your invitation to speak to the ECCO Council on May 2 was a flattering surprise. Your programs are always so outstanding I’ve taken the invitation as quite a compliment.

∙I was pleased to receive your letter asking me to address the ECCO Council on May 2.

∙Thank you for your confidence in asking me to address your group on May 2.

∙Express regret that you must decline. Your regret sounds more sincere if you can give a specific explanation of what prevents your acceptance.

∙Although I’d love the opportunity to speak to your group, I don’t feel adequ ately knowledgeable on the subject you have in mind. My previous experience has been limited to….

∙Unfortunately, I have a meeting in London that day, and, because so many people are involved, I simply cannot change it.

∙I have had an out-of-town seminar scheduled for quite some time and will be traveling on the day of your dinner meeting.

∙Unfortunately, I have a previous commitment with a client on that day and simply cannot rearrange my schedule at this time.

∙Refer the organization to another expert if you think that is appropriate.

∙If you have no one else in mind to address that topic, give me a call and perhaps I’ll be able to suggest a colleague who could speak knowledgeably on the subject.

∙I suggest you call Harry Smith, whom I’ve heard on several occasi ons. He is a dynamic speaker who can tackle even the toughest questions from your most experienced


∙Wish success for the event.

∙You have my very best wishes for a successful meeting.

∙Best of luck to you in finalizing your program.

∙I know the program will be outstanding.

∙I’ll be eager to hear from those who have the opportunity to attend. The programs seem to get better every year.

∙I hope the dinner meets all your expectations.

∙With such attention to detail, I’m sure you’ll have a fine program.

∙My best wishes in lining up the additional speakers for the regional meeting.

Example 1: Example of declining invitation to speak

Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip

Dear Mr. Shotwell:

Your invitation to address the Economic Development Council was very flattering. I would very much like to speak to the group; unfortunately, however, I am program chairman for a CPA association meeting in Nashville the night of May 5. I’ve checked my meeting and travel sched ule, and there’s simply no way I can make it back to Denver by noon on May 6.

I have an alternate suggestion you may want to consider. Fred Hanke, our senior vice president, could make an excellent presentation on the same subject; you can reach him at 123-3456.

Thank you again for the invitation. Best wishes for an informative meeting.


Example 2: Declining invitation to speak

Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip

Dear Ms. Hughes:

Thank you for your invitation to speak at your upcoming public works conference on November 8.

I am sorry, but I must decline. I have a board meeting that day, and given the critical nature of our agenda, I am afraid I would not make it to the Regency.

If you have not yet considered an alternative speaker, I would suggest you give Elizabeth Forestall a call. She is extremely well-versed in matters of public works legalities—my firm has used her as an independent consultant on a number of occasions. Moreover, I know from first-hand experience that she gives thought provoking, factually accurate presentations. Her number is


I wish you well on your conference, and regret that I cannot be a part of it.


Example 3: Letter declining invitation

Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip

Dear Mr. Frost:
