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Unit1单元语法小专题(Grammar Focus)


1. by表示方式、方法或手段,后接名词或动名词,意为“使用某物;靠;乘(车、船)等”。如:Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?

I often go to school by bike.我经常骑自行车去上学。

2. by表示时间,意为“到……时(为止);在……以前、不迟于”。如:

I have to go to bed by ten o'clock.我必须10点前睡觉。

Can you finish your work by nine o'clock?你能在9点前完成你的工作吗?

3. by表示地点、位置,意为“靠近;在……旁边”。如:

The boy often reads books by the river.这个男孩经常在河边读书。

4. by表示移动的方向,意为“从……旁边过”。如:

He walked by me without speaking.他从我旁边经过,没有说话。

5. by表示根据,意为“按照”。如:

What time is it by your watch?你的手表几点了?

6. by表示被抓着,被接触身体的某一部分。如:

She took me by the hand.她拉着我的手。


1. 动名词在句中作主语


Doing morning exercises is good for our health.做早操对我们的健康有好处。


Getting up early is good for your health.→It's good for your health to get up early.早起对你的健康有益。

2. 动名词在句中作宾语



practice,allow,mind,imagine 等。如:

The tourists enjoy staying in Kunming all the year round.


Do you mind opening the window?你介意开一下窗户吗?

(2)动名词作介词的宾语,包括以介词结尾的动词短语,如:give up,take part in,be good at等。如:

I know you are good at drawing pictures.我知道你擅长画画。

Many young people took part in planting trees on Tree Planting Day.很多年轻人在植树节那天参加植树活动。


1. Her mother goes to work ________(on/by) bus every morning.

2. The two kids practice spoken English ________(by/with) joining the English club.

3. ________(To watch/Watching) movies is a popular way for many people to relax.

4. As we know,it's not polite to keep others ________(wait/waiting) for a long time.

5. Jane,come in and sit ________(between/by) me.


6. Do you often memorize new words by ________(make) vocabulary lists?

7. Can you finish ________(do) your homework before nine o'clock?

8. Don't worry about ________(make) mistakes when you talk to foreigners in English.

9. ________(help) each other at school is a way to improve our friendship.

10. We have worked for three hours.Let's stop ________(work) and have a rest.


11. I think the best way to learn English is ______ ______ _______ _______(通过听磁带).

12. Henry was sitting over there ________ ________ ________(在窗户旁).

13. Shall we go ________ ________(乘火车)?

14. The trees ________ ________ ________(沿河) are all very tall.

15. John is afraid to stay at home ________ ________(他自己).


16. 我通过和朋友练习对话的方式来提髙英语。

I improve my English ________ ________ ________ with my friends.

17. 她认为读英语杂志是记生词的最好办法。

She thinks ________ English magazines is the best way ________ ________ new words.


________ more ________ can help to improve your English.

19. 他擅长弹吉他。He is good at ________ the guitar.

20. 我看见一些孩子正在爬塔。I saw some children ________ the tower.


题组训练一discover,find out与invent辨析

( )1.When Jack got into the classroom,he surprisingly ________ that nobody was there.

A. discovered

B. invented

C. memorized

D. remembered

( )2.—Who ________ the car,do you know?

—I don't know. You can ask Tom for help.

A. invented

B. discovered

C. solved

D. forgot

( )3.Can you help me ________ who broke the windows just now?

A. find

B. find out

C. discover

D. invent

4. 我发现了他的秘密是什么。I ________ ________ what his secret was.

5. 他发现了一只藏在地板下的箱子。He ________ a box hidden under the floor.


( )1.—Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ get to the nearest post office?

—Sorry,I am new here.

A. how can I

B. how I could

C. how to

D. what I can

( )2.—There are so many beautiful T-shirts. I really don't know ________.

—Let's ask the assistant for help.

A.what I choose it

B. which one to choose

C. how to choose

D. where I choose

( )3.—Sam,can you tell me ________?—Try Music World on Huangyuan Street.

A. why to buy a CD

B. where to get a CD
