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(2)There are many ________ in Beijing.

(3)Last summer holiday, we went to Sanya and played volleyball ________.

(4)He wants to buy some fruit, ________ apples and peaches.

(5)He ________ home and wants to stay with his wife and children.

(6)I got to ________ the hill and felt very tired.

(7)The library lies ________ the city.

(8)Langlang ________ a world famous pianist.

【答案】(1)at least

(2)places of interest

(3)by the sea

(4)such as

(5)is far away from

(6)the top of

(7)in the centre of

(8)is known as

【解析】【分析】the top of,在......顶部; place of interest, 名胜;such as,例如; be far away from,离......遥远; in the centre of,在......中心; by the sea,在海边; be known as,因......而闻名 at least至少。

(1)句意:我需要至少四天的时间终于完成这张照片。这是非常复杂的。four days名词,要用形容词短语,根据句意,故填atleast。

(2)句意:北京有许多名胜古迹。根据句意,故选空格前many,其后要接可数名词复数,空格前many ,其后要接可数名词复数,place可数名词,要用places,故填places of interest。

(3)句意:去年暑假,我们去了三亚,在海边玩排球。从结构上看,结构完整,缺少地点状语,结合句意,故填by the sea。

(4)句意:他想买一些水果,比如苹果和桃子。从后句可知,是对同类事物的列举,故填such as。

(5)句意:他远离家,想和妻子和孩子住在一起。由后句想和妻子和孩子在一起,表明他离家比较远,be far away from,主语是he,be要用is,故填is far away from。

(6)句意:我到达山顶,感到非常疲倦。空格后名词hills,根据句意,故填the top of。(7)句意:图书馆位于城市的中心。lie不及物动词,后有名词city,要用介词短语,根据句意,故填in the centre of


famous as,主语LangLang,be应该用is,故填is famous as。



(2)The man ________ business and he is rich.

(3)When we arrived in Paris, a ________ took us around the city.

(4)Don't ________ others all the time. It's not polite.

(5)My father is a cook, and he ________ cooking.

(6)The bottle ________ hot water. Be careful.

(7)He put on ________ glasses and started to read the newspaper.

【答案】(1)looks like

(2)is successful in

(3)tour guide

(4)stare at

(5)is good at

(6)is full of

(7)a pair of

【解析】【分析】be full of,充满;be successful in,成功; a pair of, 一双,一对;be good at,擅长; stare at, 盯着;look like, 看起来像;tour guide导游。

(1)句意:Jenny 看起来像她妈妈。她们都长着圆脸和两只大眼睛。根据下文可知Jenny 和她妈妈长得像,用look like,根据have,可知要用一般现在时,主语是Jenny,动词用单三式,应填looks like。

(2)句意:那个男人在生意上很成功,他很富有。由rich,可知他在生意上成功,be successful in。由后句is,要用一般现在时,主语the man,be动词用is,故填is successful in。

(3)句意:当我们到达巴黎时,导游带我们参观这个城市。由句子结构可知,缺少主语,带领我们参观的应该是导游,tour guide。空格前有不定冠词a,要用可数名词单数,故填tour guide。

(4)句意:不要老是盯着别人。那是不礼貌的。不礼貌的行为,应该是盯着别人,stare at。don't+动词原形,构成祈使句的否定形式,故填stare at。

(5)句意:我父亲是个厨师,他擅长做饭。由 a cook,可知他应该擅长做饭。主语my father,be动词用is ,故填is good at。

(6)句意:那个瓶子里装满水。请小心。由后句be careful,可知瓶子里应该是装满了水,用be full of,主语the bottle,be动词用is ,故填is full of。

(7)句意:他带着一副眼镜开始看报纸。修饰眼镜,用a pair of,故填a pair of。

