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()1.H e w as l at e f ors choolt hatm or ni ng,________?

A.w as n’the

B.w as he

C.di d he

D.di dn’the

()2.She w i l lhave l unch ats chool,________?

A.does n’ts he

B.w on’ts he

C.i s s he

D.w i l ls he

()3.She does n’tt al k m uch,________?

A.i s he

B.does n’ts he

C.di d s he

D.does s he

()4.The com put eri s ver y us ef ult o us,________?

A.i s n’ti t

B.i s n’tt he com put er

C.does i t

D.does n’ti t

()5.Ther e i s goi ng t o be an E ngl i s h par t y t hi s af t er noon,________?

A.i s t her e

B.i s goi ng t her e

C.i s n’tt her e

D.di d t her e ()6.Thati s herdi ct i onar y,________?

A i s n’tt hat B.i st hat C.does i t D.i s n’ti t ()7.She has a br ot herand a s i s t er,________?

A.has n’ts he

B.has s he

C.don’ts he

D.does s he ()8.H e r eal l y m us tgo now,________?

A.m us tbe

B.does n’the

C.m us t n’the

D.m us tbe ()9.Y ou need a new bi ke,________?


B.do you


D.need you ()10.M ar y l os ther pen,________?

A.di dn’ts he

B.di dn’tM ar y

C.does n’ts he

D.w as n’ts he ()11.H e can har dl y bel i eve i t,________?

A.can’tt hey

B.can he

C.i s he

D.cannothe ()12.Som ebody t ol d m e abouti tyes t er day,________?

A.di d t hey

B.di dn’ts om ebody

C.di dn’tt hey D di d he ()13.W e do m or ni ng exer ci s es i n t he m or ni ng,________?

A.do w e

B.di d w e

C.di dn’tw e

D.don’tw e ()14.Y ou have gotnot hi ng t o s ay,________?

A.have you


C.had you

D.you have ()15.The A r ab has nevers een s uch a cam el,________?

A.has n’the

B.has t he A r ab

C.di d he

D.has he ()16.She does w el li n E ngl i s h,________?

A.does n’ts he

B.does s he

C.di d s he

D.i s n’ts he ()17.H e s peaks nei t her R us si an norFr ench,________?


B.does n’the

C.does he

D.ar en’tt her e ()18.Ther e i s l i t t l e t i m e l ef t________?

A.i s n’tt her e

B.i s t her e

C.ar e t her e

D.ar en’tt her e ()19.She does n’tm uch car e f ora car,________?

A.i s s he

B.does s he

C.does n’ts he

D.di d s he ()20.Som ebody bor r ow ed m y bi ke yes t er day,________?

A.di dn’tt hey

B.di d t hey

C.di d he

D.does n’the 参考答案:









9.A10.A11.B12.C13.D14.A15.B16.A17.C18.B 19.B20.A
