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1 The features of dictionary

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE)朗文当代英语词典

<1>clear grammar codes<2>usage notes<3>language notes

2 Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (CCELD)科林斯合作英语词典

<1>Definition(定义), the definitions in this dictionary are all in full sentences.

<2>Extra column(额外专栏), the use of extra column to deal with grammar information.

<3>Usage examples(用法举例), in this dictionary, almost every meaning of a word has an example to show its meaning and usage, most in sentence form.

Chinese-English Dictionary(CED)汉英词典

<1>A large number of newly created words

<2>Revised some old entries

<3>Keeps the previous alphabetical order of entries

<4>Boasts of the quality of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items


1 What are the characteristics of Idioms?

1). Semantic unity(语义的整体性):being phrases or sentences, idioms each consists of mora than one word, but each is a semantic unity. 例子Bee in one’s bonnet 想入非非,know the ropes内行

2). Structural stability(结构的稳定性): Unlike free phrases, the structure of an idiom is to a large extent unchangeable. First, the constituents of idioms can not be replaced. Secondly, the word order can not be inverted or changed. Thirdly, the constituents of an idiom can not be deleted or added to, not even an article. Finally, many idioms are grammatically unanalysable.例子Diamond cut diamond,势均力敌,like cures like以毒攻毒

2 Use of idioms

<1>which are idioms

<2>understand them correctly in actual context

<3>use them properly in production

3一堆修辞Figures of speech

<1>Alliteration (押头韵)<2>Rhyme (押尾韵)<3>Reiteration (duplication of synonyms)同义词重叠<4>Repetition重复<5>Juxtaposition (of antonyms)并列<6>Simile (明喻)<7>Metaphor 隐喻<8> Metonymy转喻<9>Synecdoche提喻<10>Personification拟人<11>Euphemism委婉

4 Variations of Idiom变形变体(Replacement替换Addition or deletion增减词Position shifting位置互换Shortening缩减Dismembering支解)


1The role of context

<1>Elimination of ambiguity消除歧义

polysemy 多义词

He is a hard businessman

[he is a hardworking businessman or he is a hard businessman to deal with]

John ran the egg-and-spoon race.[we have no way to determine whether John “participated”in the race or “organized”the race as the word run can mean both.]

John ran the egg-and-spoon race and got second place.[John took part in the race personally

because he got second place.]


They saw her duck.[duck—n. “a kind of poultry”or as a verb meaning “lower one’s head or body quickly, dodge (忽地低下头(或弯腰),躲避).Both fit in the syntactic structure of the sentence .]

The ball was attractive.[ ball may mean a “a round object to play in a game”as well as a “dancing party”. ]

The fish is ready to eat[the fish is cooked or served, so ready for people to eat.or the fish is ready to eat things.]

I like mary better than jean[ i like mary better than i like jean.or i like mary better jean likes mary.]

<2>Indication of referents限定所指

<3> Provision of clues for inference of word meaning提供线索【P157】


Definition下定义Explanation解释Exemplification 例证Synonymy同义Antonymy反义词Hyponymy上下关系Relevant details相关细节

Word structure



1Types of Changes

extension词义的扩大, narrowing词义的缩小,degradation降格, elevation升华, and transfer转移.

2Causes of Changes

Linguistic Factors (语言因素)and Extra-linguistic Factors(非语言因素)


1 Two Approaches to Polysemy一词多义

Diachronic (历时的)Synchronically(共时地)

2 Two Processes of Development


3Types of Homonyms

perfect homonyms , homographs拼写同and homophones音同Homophones constitute the largest number and are most common

4Origins of Homonyms

<1>Change in sound and spelling long a not short , from lang. long to want very much , from langian <2>borrow ing fair a market . Borrowed from feria .fair pretty , from fæger <3>shortening ad shortened from advertisement add to cause an increase

5. Try to point out the main sources of synonyms(同义词).

1). Borrowing. The most important source is perhaps borrowing.

2). Dialects and regional English.

3). Figurative and euphemistic use of words.

4). Coincidence with idiomatic expressions.

6. What’s the fundamental difference between the processes of radiation(辐射型)and concatenation(连锁型)? Illustrate your point.

答:Radiation describes a process where each of the derived meaning is directly connected to
