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Q2: What’s the official language?
Q3: In which city were the 2000 Olympic Games held?
Task today
Geographically isolated?
The Land The People
Introduction about Australia
Warming up

1.If you have a chance to travel abroad,where would you like to go?
2.What comes to your mind firstly when thinking of Australia?

Stylish (时尚之巅)
Relaxing (悠然一刻)
Adventurous (体验极限) Liberating (自由自在) Inspiring (灵感无限) Attractive (梦萦魂牵)
Q1: What’s the capital of Australia?
lyrebird ['laɪəbɜːd](琴鸟)
-Australia’s national bird
Attractive places in Australia
Beautiful beaches The Great Barrier Reef
Uluru /Ayers Rock Undersea world
The Government
The Economy
The special animals and plants Attractions
Geographically isolated?
It’s the smallest continent in the world and it’s the biggest island in the world.
A squat(低矮的) round , bear-like , burrowing (挖地洞的) marsupial , about one meter in length , with short legs , small ears and eyes and a thick , coarse fur of brown or grey .
Indigenous Australians
aborigine [æbə'rɪdʒɪniː]土著居民 hunting boomerang ['buːməræŋ] n. 飞去来器 Houses are made of branches and mud tatoo: white and yellow 居住在澳大利亚的土著人(也称原住 民),仍然保护着自己的风俗习惯。他 们 以 狩 猎为生,“飞去来器 ” (boomerang)是他们独特的狩猎武器。 他们很多仍居住在用树枝和泥土搭成的 窝棚里,围一块布或用袋鼠皮蔽体,并 喜欢纹身或在身上涂抹各种颜色。平时 仅在颊、肩和胸部涂上一些黄白颜色, 节庆仪式或节日歌舞时彩绘全身。纹身 多为粗线条,有的像雨点,有的似波纹, 对经过成年礼的土著人来说纹身不仅是 装饰,而且还用以吸引异性的爱慕。在 狂欢舞会上,人们头戴五彩装饰,身画 彩纹、围着篝火跳集体舞。舞蹈纯朴, 多 反 映 狩 猎 生 活 等 。
Poll Dorset(无角陶赛特羊)
Snow boots雪地靴最早起源于澳大利亚, 最初叫做Ugly boots,澳洲人用两块羊皮 包裹成鞋子穿在脚上御寒,后来逐渐在澳 洲流行开来,冬季,不管是时尚达人,还 是前卫MM,或者是白领OL,纷纷在脚上 套上一双澳洲雪地靴,更有众多的好莱坞 明星助阵,世界已经掀起一股雪地靴热。
The Government

Independence: 1 January 1901 (federation of UK colonies) National holiday: Australia Day, 26 January Suffrage['sʌfrɪdʒ] (选举权): 18 years of age; universal and compulsory Legal system: based on English common law; accepts compulsory ICJ(国际法院) jurisdiction(司法权)

Which one is the Australian flag?
New Zealand
鸸鹋 emu ['iːmjuː]
The Australian Flag The Australian emblem徽章
The Economy
Agricultural products: wheat, barley(大麦), sugarcane甘蔗, fruits; cattle, sheep, poultry Industries: mining, industrial and transportation equipment, food processing, chemicals, steel

Which city is the biggest city in Australia? Get to know more about it.

Spring: Sep.——Nov. Summer: Dec.——Feb. Autumn: Mar.——May Winter: Jun.——Aug.
weather :
quite agreeable average summer temperature :29 degree C average winter temperature :13 degree C
绵羊油并不是羊的脂肪,它的英 文名为Lanolin,即为羊毛脂, 是一种从天然羊毛中精炼出来的 油脂.注意,是从“天然羊毛”中 提取出来的。
1 AUD= 4.5744 RMB
Currency - notes
Platypus['plæ tɪpəs] (鸭嘴兽)
Often described as the world’s most unusual animal because it is a small , web-footed(长蹼足动物) , egglaying mammal(产卵哺乳动物) with a bill(鸟嘴) like a duck and can stay under water for as long as 14 minutes .

Group work

Think as many adjs as you can to describe those pictures(Australia)
Do you know what it is short for?

Amazing (叹为观止) Unexpected (超乎想象)
Another marsupial but one which looks like a small wooly , grey and white bear . It lives mainly in the branches of trees , especially the eucalyptus [,juːkə'lɪptəs](桉树) whose leaves comprise the koala’s main diet .
Population growth rate: 0.87% Ethnic groups: Caucasian [kɔˈkeʒən](高加 索人) 92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1% (2001)

Languages: English 79.1%, Chinese 2.1%, Italian 1.9%, other 11.1%, unspecified 5.8% (2009)
Six states Two areas
Northern Territory
Australia Capital Territory (ACT首都直辖 区)
Political Division in Australia
The Land

Land area: approximately 7,750,000 sq km Terrain( 地形 ): mostly low plateau [plæ'təʊ] ( 高原 )with deserts; fertile plain(平原) in southeast

Australia’s farm
Australia’s farms mostly locate on the middle and western area, where feeds swarms of cattle and sheep. the climate is very suitable . what’s more, Australia is a country that rides on the back of sheep!
Where they live
How they dance
How they
What they eat
The People

Beijing :22,000,000 Shanghai:25,000,000
Population: 24,000,000 (2013)
西澳的鲨鱼湾 (Shark Bay)
北领地的乌卢鲁 —卡达赤塔国家 公园 (Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park)
Delicious Food
Emperor crab:Watching the crab let a man drool. Oyster: It can be eaten raw,squeezed fresh lemon juice to oysters meat carrizo sauce raw. Salmon: It mainly used for raw. Dessert: It makes of friut. Kangaroos: It tastes like beef.
A macropod(大足的) which is sometimes as much as two meters in height . It sits upright on its extremely powerful back legs and moves by jumping .
It is also a marsupial(有袋的) which means that the young “joeys” , or baby kangaroos , live in the mother’s pouch(袋) until they are ready to fend for themselves(独立照顾自己) .
Cultural heritage of the world (世界遗产名录)
墨尔本的皇家展览大厦 (Royal Exhibition Building)和卡尔顿花园 (Carlton Gardens)
塔斯马尼亚荒野 the Tasmanian Wilderness
新南威尔士州的威兰德拉 湖区 (Willandra Lakes)