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Book IV Unit3

1. I like people with a sense of__________. (幽默)

2. ___________(不幸地), he was badly hurt in an accident.

3. Barbecues are a favourite way of____________(款待) friends.

4. Tom is an __________(杰出的) player.

5. I only wear a tie on special __________.(场合)

6. The girl_________(低语) to me that she was afraid.

7. The success or _________(失败) of the plan depends on you.

8. They export their products to markets___________(遍及) the world.

9. There was a _________(厌烦的) expression on her face.

10. The award for this year's best _________(女演员)went to Mary.

Book IV Unit3

1.He_________(克服) many difficulties to win the game.

2.The teacher was ________(满意的) with his performance.

3.He ________ (使信服) me of his innocence.

4.They communicated completely by________.(手势)

5.The most likely____________(解释) is that his plane was delayed.

6.There are many popular films__________(导演) by him.

7.She liked his speech in__________.(特别的)

8.Hearing the news, she__________(反应) by getting angry.

9.I want to go camping in a __________(多山的) area.

10.All the students were__________(逗笑) at his stories.
