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创新英语大赛范文篇1:Run! Animals, Run!

Scientists have long tried to find ways to communicate with other species and have had very limited success with primates, such as chimpanzees and gorillas. But what if we found a way to greatly improve communication, what might we discover?

Write an essay with no less than 300 words about the species you would like to communicate with and what you would say to them. You can add a title by yourself.

Run! Animals, Run!

Announcing they are on top of the food chain, human beings have been becoming more and more savage to their best friends ;; animals. It’s extremely heartbroken every time I see the bloody scenes on the TV, however, I can do nothing but close my eyes and cross my fingers, praying for them desperately. Had I the superpower to speak to animals, the first word would be ;; RUN!

Run! Whales and dolphins, run! As the marine animals with superb wisdom, do you know that you are the biggest target that people are tracing? The Creator gave you the most beautiful curves and edges, the fanciest way of living and the kindest mind, whereas he didn’t warn you to stay away from people. The polluted water is taking away your habitat and the harpoons are awaiting you to come out of water. For the sake of safety, please go as deep as deep as you can!

Run! Sheep and cattle, run!Do you feel comfortable because you have adequate food and enjoy the greatest care? Then you are wrong, my friend! People are doing all this just for keeping your meat in a high quality to make more money. Just tonight, please leap over the fence and run to the prairie that you are supposed to belong to! Run! Minks and foxes, run!I know you are born to be aggressive, which is not your fault. However, people are using your nature to kill you and peel off your skin cruelly but clamming that they’re doing good for human. Please stay away from people’s life and go to the nature! Believe me, real nature can meet all your demands for living. Run! My friends, run away till human can never find you! Don’t let them get interfered with your life and rebel your liberty!

Sadly, coming back to the reality, as a senior school student, all I could do is to write down this passage appealing to all of you to stop killing. Please bear in mind that “When the buying stops, the killing can, too.”

创新英语大赛范文篇2:A Letter to White-Flag Dolphin

;Mankind and Animals Living in Great Harmony Dear Mr. Dolphin:

Thanks for your rescuing us from drowning or sharks, keeping us safe from harm. You have made so much contributions to bailing out

people.And you are the only animals, besides humans, which show true altruism. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, you are our true friend.

It is you that help us human beings out of the predicament. However, wehumans did nothing as payback. We pollute the environment you live in, and we even hunt you for money.

With the development of technology, our lives become much more convenient. However, at the same time, lots of harmful chemicals are produced by factories. And toxic wastes flow into the ocean and set foot in the atmosphere. In the circumstance, you and most of oceanic
