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1.[i:] please(Together! One,two,three.) Please speak English with me.

2.[i] difficult(Please demonstrate.) (Ok,your turn.)It’s not difficult to speak English.

3. [e] Go to bed. red (Thank you for your help.) everything

Everything is ready.(Outstanding!---Just so so.)

4. [?] apple(Let’s do it together. One,two,three.) practice Practice makes perfect.

5. [∧] wonderful My mother is a wonderful teacher. You speaks perfect wish.

7. [?r] remember Remember to call your will remember to call my mother.

8. [?] together America and China should always work ’s right. America and China should

always work together.

9. [ɑ:] possible bother Sorry to bother ’m sorry,Anthony, ----Thst’s OK.

10.[ɑr] Charming You’re very charming.

You’re a charming young Yang. You have a charming smile.

11.[?:] always(One more time.) Always say “please” and “thank you”

12. [?r] important(One more time,sing it .) It’s important to practice English every day.

Do you think so----I agree.

13.[u] should You should work , I should.

14.[u:] food What’s your favorite food-----Chinese food.

favorite food is favorite food is noodles.

15.[ei] mistake(You have a big mouth.—Yes, I do.) Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

16.[ai] China smile fly I Is this your first time in China----This No.

It’s your third or---I’ve been here for three I travel back to America some time.

(Is this your first time in China It’s a ’s a wonderful sentence.)(Very useful.—Yeah, very useful.)

16.[?i] enjoy I really enjoyed talking to you. Keep in touch. -----OK. Bye-bye.

(When you were disgusted, you know, When you don’t like Somebody. You know, When you don’t want to tal k with him polite way of ending a conversation is to say” I really enjoyed talking to you.”means that it’s time to say goodbye.)(Get a ball.)

17.[?u] smoke hope (Loke Wushu. Martial art.) hope I hope to see you I hope to see you

again,too. (OK. Keep in touch.)

18.[au] how outstanding You’re outstanding.

19. [i?] clear It’s important, it’s very important to have clear pronunciation.(Whether it

is) your mother language your foreign language, it’s very important to have clear

conversation, clear pronunciation.—That’s correct.

You have very clear ,I do have very clear pronunciation.

You’re not ,I’m not.

Could you imitate a retarded person—It’s like a, a football player or boxer has be en hit in the head a few times and can not, you know, just speak.

20.[e?] care We should all care about the environment.

OK,read it. We should all care about the environment.

America should care about the environment.—We do.

(You waste too much energy.—That’true. You people are too [u?] sure

I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
