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Pronunciation Workshop

Instructor:Paul Gruber


When you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. This program will show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech.

How to Practice(02:35-03:15)

Speak slowly

Use a Loud Voice

Exaggerate Your Mouth Movements

What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow.

The Key to Success(03:15-05:15)

Being aware of your errors

Recognizing mistakes when you hear them

When most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements.

Arrangement of this program(05:15-05:45)

During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.

Session One(05:55-22:34)

1. Consonant R

2. Consonant W

R Tips(07:07-09:00)

Mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound. Tongue moves back.

Now one way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound.

You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue.

Practice (09:00-12:34)

R at the beginning of words (like Rock Rain)

Bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back.

R at the end of words or after a vowel (like Car Far Air Poor)

Your tongue hasta pull back and also your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word.

R in the middle of words(like Very Arrange Everyone)

Your tongue is back and your lips are coming all the way forward.

R Blends (12:34-14:10)

The ‘R’ is always the strongest sound of the blend.

Your lips come forward before you even say the word.

When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.

R blends at the beginning of words(Training Trust)

R blends in the middle of words(Subtract Waitress)

W Tips(similar to R)(15:34-17:42)

Practice first with OO.

Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.

Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound. Remember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.
