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Go For It 八上综合测试卷易错题

Ⅰ. V ocabulary

1.Winter holiday is coming, I am thinking about going ___________

_____________ (某个有趣的地方)

2.Look! There is ____________ __________ (奇怪的东西) in the sky,

3.Would you like ___________ (一些东西) to drink?

4.I’m very hungry. Do you have _____________ (一些东西) to eat?

5.Hi! Children, please help ____________ (you) to some nice fish.

6.The __________ are __________ a modern tall ____________ in the centre of

the city. (build)

7.I am _____________ (wonder) if you can help me with my English.

8.The twins are really ____________. Everyone can see the ______________

between them, so we should treat them _______________ (different)

9.They tried _________ (pass) the exam, but you know, they failed again.

10.Why not try __________ (turn) the key in the other way.

11.I am not __________ __________ to carry the box.(足够强)

12.Which is the most important thing in our life? H_________ or money?

13.Nearly 70 __________ (百分之..) of the students don’t like the new rules, can

we do something for them?

14.A_______ the weather is very cold, the students still like running outside.

15.I don’t think the old habits are still useful, they are _________ (die).

16.He thinks the best way to learn English is to read English _________ (杂志).

17.Bob made up his mind not to be late again, h________, this morning the same

thing happened again.

18.It’s not a question, it’s a killer, _______ of the students can answer it.

19.He got fifty-nine _________ again in the exam. Bad luck! (分) 20.What are the r__________ of the student activity survey?

21.You should exercise more______________(stay) healthy.

22.Linda, could you please tell me what the best way ______ (learn) English is?

23.The problem seems ___________ (be) difficult to work out.

24. My father likes reading, so he often reads newspapers or _________ (杂志)

25. Some students think a good friend should __________________ (在某方面有天赋/才能)studying.

26. The radio station has ______________(bad) music in the city.

27. Our Chinese teacher is sometimes __________ __________(严肃的)than our Math Teacher.

28. He is one of the most famous ________________(魔术师) in the world.

29. My best friend ____________________(与...相似) Larry because she’s less hard-working than me.

30. I can hear the __________(声音) of the running stream in the mountain.

31. Tom ______________(break) his arm yesterday, and now he’s in hospital.

32. The Yellow River is the second _____________(long) river in China.

33. Each of the young _________________(选择) their own ways to plan their future.

34. Let’s give all the p___________________ a big hand.Thanks for their excellent shows!

35. Maria asked her students what they t___________ of each picture。

36. You will be very_______________(成功的) if you work really hard.

37. Why don’t you let your son__________(join) the football team?

38. Don’t forget ____________(turn) off the lights whe n you leave room.

39. We planned _____________(hold) a big English party on December 25th.

40. _____________(luck), he lost his new wallet in the supermarket.

41. Oxford and Cambridge are the best-known _________________(大学) in the
