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3. Time M-1 Translation Issues Time M-2 Road Map Topic Sentence Bullet Points less passive, 1-2 stress positions, words selection overall format/fond


You have asked me to discuss/review ...

You asked us to provide a preliminary analysis of the risk associated with ABC's plan to do ... for a variety of services. This memorandum analyses the legal risk associated with five of ABC's planned activities:

a) Facts and Assumptions

Our legal analysis is based on the following facts and assumptions:

b) Question Presented

Under PRC law, will likely deem ...(n.), which requires ... if ..., be valid and enforceable?

The issues are whether the ...(n.) would c onstitute an unauthorized diagnostic and therefore subject ABC to liability for unauthorized practice of medicine.

c) Summary Conclusions

... will (not) deem ...(n.) valid and enforceable, if ...

It is generally permissible for ABC to do ..., if reasonably priced at market rates, should be low risk.

It is unlikely that ABC will be held liable for ...

The antitrust risk associated with ...(n.) should be relatively low given ...(n.), although... There is a high compliance risk when...

We could reach this conclusion because:

d) Discussion

In this section, we analyze the risk on each of ABC's contemplated activities. Following each risk assessment is our suggestion for carrying out the activity, including the things that ABC should do or pay attention to before, during, and after each activity.

The following page describe the analysis upon which my conclusion in based.

topic s.

To begin with, it should be pointed out that ...

While ... have been considered, it does not appear that ...

There is a high probability that ...(n.)will constitute a...

It is risky for ABC to do... regarding ...

ABC may be held liable for unauthorized practice of medicine if...

Based upon ...(n. facts), two factors appear to determine whether ... constitute ....


... (n. activity) will be regarded as a form of..., and ABC would therefore need to possess a License issued by ... with a scope that covers...

It could be argued that ... is no longer valid when ...

For the purpose of..., we have assumed that the...

The lack of regulatory certainty may contribute to some reluctance.

... is not defined and the law has left to the enforcement agency to define .... As a result, local AICs have a wide discretion in defining ... in practice.

Regardless of ... ultimately chosen, ... should be always taken into account when doing ... in order to ensure compliance.

Although ... are generally permitted under PRC law, ... to be done to sb may not qualify as a lawful...

Local AICs may regard sth that would have been done ... as a form of bribe to the hospitals especially if (i), or (ii).
