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1、 ______ that we all went out, Iying in the sun.

A . The weather so fine was

B . So fine was the weather

C . So the weather was fine

D . So was fine weather 2、 Under his arm ____ a pair of shoes which he had bought from the shop a few days before. A . is

B . are

C . was

D . were

3、 ______ who had arrested him three times for carrying drugs.

A . Before George stood the policeman

B . Before George the policeman stood

C . Before the policema n stood George

D . Before George did the policema n 4、 Then _____ we had been looking forward to .

A . came the hour

B . the hour came

C . comes the hour

D . the hour is coming 5、 O nly when he started to explain _______ the reason for this.

A . she realized

B . did she realize

C . she had realized

D . had she realized

6、 _____ succeed in doing anything.

A . Only by working hard we can

B . By only working hard we can

C . On ly by worki ng hard can we

D . Only we can by worki ng hard 7、 N ot for a moment _____ the truth of your story.

8、Nowhere else in the world ______ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.

A . a tourist can find

B . can a tourist find

C . a tourist will find

D . a tourist has found 9、Hardly _______ when the bus suddenly pulled away.

A . they had got to the bus-stop

B . they got to the


C . did they get to the bus-stop

D . had they gotto the bus -stop

10、Mary doesn ' t speak French, and ______ does Joan.

A . not

B . neither

C .

either D . so

11、一 Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? A . did we hear B . we heard C . had we heard 14、 Joh n won the first prize in the con test. __________ .

A . So he did.

B .

So did he. C . So he did, too. 15、 ______ ,he doesn ' t study well.

A . As he is clever

B . He is as clever

C . Clever as he is 16、 You can never use my tape recorder. ____ t ime should you touch that machine. A . At no

B . At any

C . Any

D . No

17、 Scarcely ___ the room _______ t he phone rang.

A.I had entered …when

B. Had I entered …then

C. had I en tered …whe n

D. have I en tered …whe n

18、 Only ______ save his life.

A . can the doctor

B . the doctor can

C . will the doctor

D . could the doctor 19、 Hardly anybody ____ the boy , because he is rude. A . does like

B . likes

C . do like

D . like

20、 So well ____ that the teacher praised her.

A . she had done her homework

B . her homework had been done

C . did she do her homework

D . she did her homework

A . he has doubted

B . he doubts

C . did he doubt

D . he did doubt —I don ' t know,

A . nor don ' t I care

B . nor do I care 12、 Not until the early years of the 19th century A . man did know B . man knew

13、 A fter that we never saw her again nor ___ C . I don ' t care neither . ____ what heat is.

C . didn ' t man know

D . _from her.

I don ' t care also

did man know D . we have heard D . So did he, too.

D . As clever he is
