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Let's go!

Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Bruce和Sara在商场里,他们要讨论乘坐电梯的安全问题。我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

Bruce: Hey, Sara. Which one do you want to take,escalator or elevator?


Sara: Well, no matter which one we take, we should stand still for safety.


Bruce: Yes, if we take the escalator, we have to stand in queue on the right side. Keep the left side clear for the people in a rush.


Sara:And we don‘t have to wait.


Bruce: After we arrived, We should make a way for the people stand behind us.


Sara: Yes, if we take elevator, we just have to wait a little longer. Look, there are not many people there.


Bruce: When we wait for the elevator, we have to stand on the two sides in front of the door.


Sara: Sure, to make the room for the people come out of the elevator.


Bruce: All right, so we just made our decision.(太棒了。那么我们做决定吧。)

Sara: OK,let’s go.(好,走吧。)


escalator 扶梯

or 或者

elevator 直梯

clear 清除

side 边、面

in a rush 匆忙的

wait 等待

arrived 到达的

front 前面的

room 空间

decision 决定


make decision/ make one‘s decision



I Love Disneyland

Hello, everyone. 今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Sara\Blair和Ashley相约去迪士尼乐园游玩,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

Sara: I am so happy to be in Disney land. What‘s your favourite game here?(来到迪士尼乐园真开心。在这儿你们最喜欢的游戏是什么?)

Ashley: I love the parade and the fireworks.(我喜欢游行和烟火。)

Sara:I love Mickey’s house. There is a mini cinema in his house. (我喜欢米奇的房子。在他的房子里有个迷你电影院。)

Blair:I love Weenie‘s forest. T hat is a little train goes in strange ways.(我喜欢维尼森林。也就是一辆小货车以一种奇怪的路线走来走去。)

Ashley: It is very funny. I like the castle of the Frozen. I love Disney princess a lot. (太有趣了。我喜欢冰雪城堡。我超级喜爱迪士尼公主。)

Sara: Yes. Every princess is beautiful, brave, honest and kind.(是的。每个公主都很美丽,勇敢,诚实和善良。)
