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六年级学生英语故事演讲稿范文5篇汇总,欢迎查阅! 六年级学生

英语故事演讲稿1 One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river。This time he sees a lion under a tree。 The lion runs at him。 He is afraid

and falls into the river。He can’t swim。 He shouts。

The rabbit hears him。 He jumps into the river。 The rabbit swims to the

monkey,but he can’t help him。Luckily, an elephant es along。 He is very strong。 He helps the rabbit and

monkey。Three friends are very happy。 They go to the elephant’s home。 Then, three

of them bee good friends。一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。




一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。六年级学生英语故事演讲稿2 Look for a Friend Sam is a little fish。 He lives in the sea。 He is very lonely。 He wants to

have a friend。 The friend looks like him。 Sam sees an ink fish。 The ink fish has

eight legs。He doesn’t look like Sam。 So Sam goes away。Sam meets a shark。 He

wants to say hello to the shark。 The shark opens his big mouth。 Sam runs away

quickly。 Sam is tired and hungry。 He wants to have a rest。Then he sees a round

fish。 She says to him。“Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of

course! But you are round。 I am flat。” The round fish days: “But we are both

fishes。”Sam thinks and says,“You are right。Let’s

be friends。” They bee good






学生英语故事演讲稿3 Two Little Monkeys The monkey

mother has two little monkeys。 She likes the younger, not


other。One day, they were playing in a forest when a

wolf came running at them。

The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and

left the older alone。

She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms。

After some time, the wolf went away slowly。 The monkey took the baby out of

her arms。 She was surprised to see that the baby had died,

for the baby was held

in arms too highly。 Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older

baby。 The older baby was hiding in a wood。 So he saved himself。两只猴子猴妈妈生了两个猴子。她喜欢小猴子而不






个大洞里,他救了自我。六年级学生英语故事演讲稿4 Long ago there was a chess master named qiu whose chess skills


superlative。Qiu had two students who studied chess with him, one student studied with

concentrated focus and energy。 The other, however,wasn’t like that, he thought

studying chess was very easy, and there was no need to take

it seriously。 When

the teacher was explaining, although the [the student] sat there, his eyes

seemed to be on the chess pieces, he was actually thinking: “if i go to the

countryside right now and shoot a goose,I’ll have a lovely dinner。” Because he

was always indulging in flights of fancy and absent-mindedness, nothing the

teacher said ever sunk in。As a result, although the two students studied were taught at the same time

by the same master, one improved quickly and became a

superior chess player,

while the other never learned much at all。从前有一个下棋



