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句型4 装运 1、这笔订货在5月装运。 Shipment is to be made / effected in/ during May. 2、我们将在收到你方信用证后30天内装运,但具体的
We will deliver the goods within 30 days after/upon receipt of your L/C but specific time is to be fixed upon receipt of your official order.
We can keep the offer until…
虚盘(non-firm offer),也称不受约束的发价(offer without engagement /free offer)。在报盘时,为了掌握主动常带 有附加条件。虚盘是发盘人有保留地表示愿意按一定条件 达成交易,不受发盘内容约束,也不做任何承诺,任何时 候都可以改变、修改甚至取消。
The firm offers are usually expressed by the following patterns:
This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 19th October.
offer n. make sb. an offer on/for “向某人就某物报盘” e.g. We are pleased to make you our offer for/on black tea.
We are pleased to have received your offer for men’s shirts. 我方很高兴收到你方男式衬衫的报盘。
3、货物将在收到你方相关的信用证后3个月内装运。 The goods will be shipped within 3 months upon
receipt of your relative L/C.
句型5:发盘有效期 1、本盘有效期为3天。 This offer is valid for 3 days. 2、本发盘以我方最后确认为准。 The offer is subject to our final confirmation . 3、本发盘以你方5月23日前复到为有效。 The offer is subject to the reply reaching here before of
Shirt at USD 80 percent CIFC5 San Francisco for shipment in May.
(3)我们现向你方报500辆好孩子牌自行车, 每辆35美元CIF纽约,7月装运,此报盘以你 方5月5日前复到为有效。
We offer , subject to your reply reaching here on or before May 5th , 500 Good Baby Brand Bicycles at USD 35 percent CIF NewYork for shipment in July.
The offer is subject to change without notice. 我方报价如有变更,不另通知。
The offer is subject to our final confirmation. 该盘以我方最后确认为条件。
The offer is subject to goods being unsold. 该盘以货物未售出为条件。
(3)为复你方500吨苹果的询盘,我们特向你 方发盘如下:
In reply to your enquiry for apples, we offer you 500 tons of apples as follows:
句型2 报价(报盘) (1)我们向你方报50吨冻鱼,每吨500美元CIF欧洲主
• offer v. “提出某事物供考虑、接受或拒绝” ,引:报盘 e.g. Please offer us 100 metric tons of xxxx.
We will advise you once we are in a position to offer. 一俟我们能报盘,当即告知你方。
draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment .
(3)我们支付方式是保兑的,不可撤销即期信 用证,凭全套装运单据支付。
Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents.
要港口。 We offer you 5 tons Frozen Fish at USD 500 per ton
CIF EMP. (2)我们现向你方报500打男式衬衫,每打80美元,
CIFC5 旧金山,5月装运。 We are making you an offer for 500 dozen Men’s
虚盘不必有完整的内容,没有时限的规定,而且也不明确 不肯定。一般都注明“仅供参考”或“以我方最后确认为 准”等字样。因此,虚盘是不受约束的、试探性的报价, 其目的在于了解顾客,了解市场。
The non-firm offers are usually expressed by the following patterns:
This offer is subject to reply by 10 a.m. our time, Wednesday, October 3.
We offer you firm subject to your reply here within one week from today.
句型3 支付条款 (1)付款方式以不可撤销即期信用证支付,并以我方
为受益人。 Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight
tBaidu Nhomakorabea be opened in our favor. (2)我们要求以不可撤销信用证凭即期汇票支付,在装运
前30天开出。 We require payment by irrevocable L/C payable by
This offer is (remains, is kept, is held) firm (valid, open, good, effective) for 5 days.
This offer is subject to your acceptance within two weeks. 本报盘2周内有效
make somebody an offer for /on something
send somebody an offer for /on something
give somebody an offer for /on something
submit somebody an offer for /on something
受盘人一旦在发盘的有效期内有效地表示接受,这个 实盘就为不可撤销,并会对发盘人和受盘人双方产生约 束力。待有效期一过,此报盘即失效,发票人不再承担 报盘中规定的义务,此时受盘人即使想接受,发票人也 有权拒绝成交。
因此,实盘又称为“有约束力的发盘”。报实盘时必 须注意以下三点:
(1)发盘必须注明是实盘。 (2)发盘必须明确、清楚、完整、具有最终效力并 列出所有的主要交易条件。
The offer is subject to our written acceptance. 该盘以我方书面接受为准。
The offer is subject to shipping space available. 该盘以有舱位为准 。
(1)对询价表示感谢。 (2)提供所要求的所有信息,如价格、折扣及付款条 件等细节。 (3)对交货期或装运期的承诺。 (4)如为实盘,应注明有效期。 (5)希望对方接受报价订购货物。
句型1:感谢对方的来函 (1)5月2日函悉,按你方要求,我们作如下发盘,以
我方最后确认为主。 We’ve received your letter of May 2, and as
requested, we are offering you the following subjects to our final confirmation. (2)感谢你方5月10号来函寻购500吨苹果。 We thank you for your enquiry of May 10 for 500 tons of apples.
foregoing: 指前所述的,是following的反义词。 preceding: 特指时间和地位上紧接在前。
Each generation surpasses the preceding one.
5.3 Specimen Letters(样函)
Letter 1:Request for quotation for crockery Dear Sirs, You have previously supplied us with crockery and we should be obliged1 if you would now quote CIF San Francisco for the items named below. The pattern we require is listed in your 2004 catalogue as No.8. 500 Teacups and Saucers, 200 Tea Plates, 100 2-pint Tea-pots When replying, please state: (1)discounts2 allowable, (2) terms of payment, and (3) earliest possible date of delivery3. Truly yours, Fred Jackson
Unit 5 Quotation and Offer 报价和发盘
目的:掌握发盘的基本约束,以及如何进行报价 和发盘的信函书写。
what is an offer?
在国际贸易中,发盘(Offer)又称发价, 在法律上又称“要约”,是指买方或卖 方向对方提出的各项交易条件。发盘通 常是一方收到对方的询盘之后所提出的, 但也可不经过对方询盘而主动向对方提
传统意义上的quotation(报价)与offer(报盘)是有区别的。 前者往往只含有商品、价格、数量,而后者应包括商品名 称、规格、价格、数量、包装、装运、支付等七项内容。 现在用offer 取代quotation的用法越来越多。 Commodity 品名 Specifications 规格 Quantity 数量 Unit price 单价 Packing 包装 Shipment 装运 Payment 支付
May 23. 4、以未出售为有效。 Subject to being unsold/ to prior sale.
prior to 在…以前;先于;优先于 she visited me on the day prior to her death. 她去世的前一天还来看我。
previous: 指时间上、顺序上较早的,或指正在谈 论的某事的前一个。 the previous week
forward somebody an offer for /on
to accept offer; 接受报盘 to confirm offer; 确认报盘 to decline offer; 拒绝报盘 to entertain offer; 考虑报盘 to extend offer; 延长报盘 to withdraw offer; 撤回报盘 to cancel offer 撤销报盘
There are two kinds of offers. One is firm offer, the other is non-firm offer or offer without engagement.
在实际业务中,当发盘针对一个或几个特定的受盘人 明示或暗示发盘人在明确、完整和最终的条件下订立合 同的明确意图时,该盘就为实盘。