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I.Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)

A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)







B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)


8.A)This morning.B)Yesterday morning.C)This afternoon.D)Yesterday afternoon.

9.A)To the museum. B)To Jack’s house.

C)To the cinema.D)To Sams home.


11.A)Teacher and student.B)Husband and wife.

C)Manager and secretary.D)Father and daughter.


13.A)A jacket.B)A raincoat.C)A T-shirt.D)A sweater.

14.A)He moved to Beijing when he was very young.

B)He will ask someone else to help the woman.

C)He will show the woman around Beijing.

D)He can provide little useful information.

C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)

15.We decided to sell our house because we are in great need of money.

16.The house was still not sold after it was put on the market for three weeks.

17.The house was kept clean and tidy with my effort so that it could be sold.

18.The house agent called me before he came to visit my house with a couple.

19.Everything in my house was in perfect order when the three people walked around it.

20.The couple bought the house probably because it provided the same feeling as their own.

D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)

21.Nowadays,not many people_______________to enjoy lunch,the midday meal.

22.Sometimes,if there is an emergency,we just______________lunch.

23.Long______________can cause different kinds of health problems.

24.To take a lunch break is to slow down and gain______________.

25.If we sit at a proper restaurant,we are______________to slow down what we’re doing .

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar


II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A. You just leave the door open.

B. He passed the driving test out of luck.

C. Don’t push me with your hand.

D. It is not allowed to hunt for wild animals.

27. All of us opened our mouths in ________ surprise at the unexpected news.
