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1.rooted in: derived from: based on基于

2.over time: in due course: sooner or later 最终,迟早

3.Scant: limited: scarce 缺乏的,不足的

4.Thwart: prevent: spoil: ruin 阻止,破坏

5.A handful of: a small number of 少数的

6.Contraction: reduction 减少

7.Be captivated by: be obsessed with: be passionate about: a addicted to: be keen on: be enthusiastic about 被……所吸引

8.Connection: relation: relationship 关系,联系

9.Multiple: manifold: numerous: various: many 不同的,很多的

10.Conservation: protection: preservation 保护,保存

11.Time-honored: age-old: long-established 历史悠久的

12.Important: essential: vital: critical: crucial 重要的

13.Unarguably: unquestionably: indisputably: undeniably 无可置疑的,无可否认的14.Destination: site: place 地点

15.Fame: reputation: eminence 名气,名声

16.At the expense of: at the cost of 以牺牲……为前提

17.In the light of: in view of: considering: taking into account 考虑到18.Endeavour: effort: attempt 努力,尝试

19.Put at risk: endanger: jeopardize 危及,使……危险

20.Motherland: native country 祖国

21.Merge into: blend into: integrate into 融入

22.Customarily: routinely: habitually: regularly: usually 惯例地,经常性地23.Closeness: nearness: proximity 接近,靠近

24.Flourishing: blooming: budding 繁荣,欣欣向荣

25.Prompt: encourage: stimulate: trigger 促使,鼓励

26.On the verge of: on the brink of: on the edge of 在……的边缘

27.Destructive: damaging: devastating: detrimental 有害的,毁灭性的28.Extravagant: wasteful: luxurious 奢侈的

29.At the present time: at present: currently 如今,现在

30.Indication: sign: hint: clue 迹象,提示

31.Go hand in hand: be closely connected: be inseparable 密不可分的

32.Overlook: neglect: ignore 忽视

33.Self-contained: self-reliant: self-sufficient 自给自足的

34.Simultaneously: at the same time 同时

35.Value: merit: worthiness: worth 价值

36.Overuse: overexploitation 过分使用

37.Feat: achievement: accomplishment 成就

38.Unknown: mysterious: unfamiliar 神秘的,未知的

39.Feasible: practicable: viable: practical: realistic 可行的,实际的

40.Obtainable: available: accessible 可以获得的,可以得到的

41.Preliminary: initial: preceding 最初的,初步的

42.Imperative: necessary 必要的,关键的

43.For the time being: for now: for the moment 现在,暂时

44.Gateway: entry: doorway: access 入口,通道

45.Municipal: urban: metropolitan 城市的

46.Shake off: get rid of: get away with 摆脱

47.Assured: confident:self-confident: self-assured 自信的,确信的

48.Shelter: housing: accommodation: lodging 住房,安身之所

49.Misspent: misuse: abuse: mishandle 误用,滥用,浪费

50.Provision: supply 提供

51.Withhold: suspend: defer 推迟,搁置

52.Result from: stem from: be caused by 由……导致

53.Formidable: remarkable: astounding: daunting 惊人的,骇人的

54.Aspiring: promising: aspirant 有抱负的,有希望的

55.Good-hearted: charitable: benevolent 好心肠的,仁慈的

56.Bear: assume: shoulder: take on 承担,担负

57.Headache: problem: annoyance 问题,令人头疼的事情

58.Haves and have-nots: rich and poor 富人和穷人

59.Recession: downturn: depression: slump 萧条,衰退

60.Incentive: encouragement 刺激物

61.Sustained: everlasting: eternal: endless: unending: perpetual 持续的,永远的62.Shirk: evade: avoid: dodge: shun 躲避

63.Persistence: continuance 持续

64.Objection: opposition: argument against 反对的观点

65.Monotonous: repetitive 单调的,单一的

66.Comprehensive: wide-ranging: wide-spread: prevalent 广泛的67.Intervention: interference: involvement 干涉,参与

68.Joint: combined: shared: united 联合的

69.Disturbance: annoyance: interruption 干扰,打扰

70.After-work life: personal life 工作之外的生活,个人生活

71.Pass on…to: hand on: transfer 传递

72.Accommodate: give room to 容纳

73.Landmark: turning-point: watershed event 转折点

74.Humankind: mankind 人类

75.Dull: tedious: monotonous: dreary 索然无味的,枯燥的

76.Alternative: replacement: substitute 另一种选择,替代品

77.Supposedly: theoretically: purportedly 理论上的,假想的

78.Inactivity: idleness: immobility: indolence: sluggishness 懒惰,很少运动的生活方式79.Content: satisfied: pleased 满意的

80.Track record: past performance: reputation: background: history: profile 历史,声誉
