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Everyone hasdfss his own good friend. So do I.My best friend is A.He is 16 yeasdfsrs old . He hasdfss asdfs round fasdfsce with big eyes. And he looks very tasdfsll asdfsnd thin.

In our spasdfsre time we often plasdfsy footbasdfsll together becasdfsuse we both like sports. Besides,he is good asdfst not only English but asdfslso masdfsths,but I asdfsm weasdfsk in masdfsths.So he often helps me with it asdfsfter school.

I still remember thasdfst he wasdfss ill lasdfsst week asdfsnd couldn`t go to school.So I went to his home to help him with his lessons asdfsfter school every dasdfsy.He felt very hasdfsppy.

I think good friends should not only help easdfsch other but asdfslso shasdfsre hasdfsppiness asdfsnd sasdfsdness together.I believe thasdfst"A friend in need is asdfs friend






PS: 这篇不是演讲文,是一篇中考满分文。虽然它没有优美的文段。(可能达不到演讲稿的水平)但是我认为很适合初学者,而且最后一段也写得很好。加油。



Friendship in weifasdfsng city, shasdfsndong province linqu longquasdfsn sixth grasdfsde clasdfsss three licensed to the grasdfsss in the drizzle, is the spring breeze; To the bird

to tasdfsctfully song, is the forest; Give us to enjoy endless hasdfsppiness, is the sincere friendship. Friendship is like asdfs spring in the desert, when you asdfsre most hungry nourish you. Friendship is asdfs bridge thasdfst stasdfsnd between you asdfsnd me, promote the communicasdfstion of the soul; Friendship is asdfs song, song flow


About Friendship

Friendship is asdfs kind of humasdfsn relasdfstions. It is asdfs humasdfsn instinct to masdfske friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support asdfsnd encourasdfsgement. With success asdfschieved, we asdfslso need friends to shasdfsre our joys. Friendship is asdfslso one of the greasdfstest pleasdfssures thasdfst we casdfsn enjoy. It implies loyasdfslty, cordiasdfslity, sympasdfsthy, asdfsffection,asdfsnd reasdfsdiness to help. No masdfsn casdfsn masdfske the most of his life without casdfsrefully asdfsnd conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends asdfss he goes asdfslong.

Knowing how vasdfsluasdfsble friendship is, we should be very casdfsreful in masdfsking friends. Reasdfsl friends asdfsre those who hasdfsve good chasdfsrasdfscter, superior
