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Above of all , I congradulate all the students to happirer ,body is more healthier.(这样的句子里有语法错误和短语错误,如果作文是这样的句子,就是胡说=想到哪里写到哪里=逐字翻译,最多得7--8分)

心花怒放:heart flower angry open(错误)



今天来了很多人。(逻辑是错的)----今天,很多人来了。--- Today so many people have come.

你妈妈对你好。(心法口诀:当你发现一句话不好翻译的时候,想一想这句话到底是什么意思呢?)----你妈妈关心你。----Your mom cares about you.-----(如果不会说care about)你妈妈爱你。-----Your mom loves you.----(升级英文)There is no doubt that your mom loves you.





你得知某报社“Global Mirror”创刊周年,征集读者意见,请根据以下提示给编辑写封信。提示一:说明你是该报的忠实读者。提示二:赞扬该报的优点:1.兼顾国内外新闻;2.介绍名人成功故事。提示三:


(1)我是贵报的忠实读者。----我非常喜欢你们的报纸。----I like your newspaper very much.----I am crazy about your newspaper.------Iam undoubtedly crazy about your newspaper.-----Iam undoubtedly crazy about your newspaper which is not only meaningful but also entertaining.(题外话:高考作文中的关于校园活动的作文肯定是既有意义,又有娱乐性)

(2)兼顾国内外新闻。----你们报纸兼顾国内外新闻。----你们报纸上有国内外新闻。---There is news about both China and other countries in your newspaper.----There is various news about both China and other countries in your newspaper.---Various news can be read in your newspaper about both China and other countries.

(3)介绍名人成功故事----名人成功故事被介绍在你们报纸上----关于名人成功经历的故事被介绍在你们报纸上。----Stories about famous people’s success experience are introduced in your newspaper.

老头晒太阳。---老头在享受阳光。---The old man is enjoying the sunshine.

二.造句的升级方法(关键是show off,就是把最好的句子写给阅卷老师看)




Good---useful---beneficial--meaningful---educational----excellent----outst anding----splendid----helpful(good是黯然低分词,要换成闪光高分词)You Should ----you are supposed to do----you had better do----if I were you, I would do ---it is beneficial for you to do sth----why not do sth Like---be crazy about ---be fond of

Want to do --be longing for doing ---desire to do

More and more students ----an increasing number of students

More and more beautiful---increasingly beautiful


We ----we high school students---we teenagers---we Chinese young students---we English learners

Important---of great importance

English is important

English is of great importance

English is an important language

English is a language of great importance.

Different---of great difference

Useful--of great use

Beautiful--of great beauty

Harmful---of great harm

Join--take part in---be part of


I go to school---I ride to school----With the sun rising from the east, I together with Jay Chou,ride to school ,singing and laughing all the way.



You should understand your mom.---You should understand your kind, patient and considerate mom.


You should understand your mom.----You, a 17-year-old teenager who can not live all by yourself, should understand your mom.


They foreigners speak highly of us Chinese.


I love you.---I really love you.---I undoubtedly love you.

I can do it.---I can certainly do it.

This is a good idea.--This is an excellent idea.---This is obviously an excellent idea.


You should understand your mom.---You should understand , love, respect and appreciate your mom
