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Class 9

Topic 1 Health

Sub-topic 1

What important factors contribute to or influence people’s health nowadays?

Sub-topic 2

What do you think of the health situation of today’s Chinese university students? What are the main problems of their physical health?

Sub-topic 3

What are the main mental and psychological problems of current Chinese university students? How to cope with them?

Sub-topic 4

What are the main threats to people’s healt h in modern society? How to cope with the problem?

Topic 2 Traffic and Transportation

Sub-topic 1

What are the reasons that cause more and more traffic accidents in China today?

⏹High traffic volume: more cars on the road

⏹Inadequate and incompetent road designs

⏹Lagging infrastructures

⏹lack of meaningful driver education and testing and a system of traffic


⏹To many bad and dangerous drivers: not skillful enough, irresponsible,

Sub-topic 2

What can we do to avoid the traffic accidents? And what is the best way?

On part of the pedestrians

⏹Walking along a sidewalk and never on the roadside

⏹Crossing with the signal in a crosswalk

⏹If no sidewalk, a pedestrian walking along on the extreme left side of the


⏹If on highway, walk on the shoulder of the highway

⏹Don’t drive impaired

⏹Yield anyway; exercise prudent courtesy

⏹Use seat-belt and other safety devices

⏹Do not run red

⏹Drive attentively and predictably: connect your mind to your eyes

⏹Never cross the double yellow lines

Best way

⏹Education for Drivers’ self-discipline ,

education for pedestrians’ self-protection

⏹Strict and effective official monitoring and management

Strict rule implementation and severe punishment

Sub-topic 3

What do you think of the public transportation in Wuhan or on our campus?

Topic 3 Job and Career

Sub-topic 1

What jobs are popular? Do you know some newly arisen careers?

Sub-topic 2

What factors will you take into consideration when you’re looking for a job in the job market?

As a fresh graduate looking for my first job, I may wonder what kind of job available on the market is the most suitable for me. Maybe four important elements I will take i nto consideration are interest, salary, location and working condition.

Firstly, I think personal interest is quite essential when deciding which job to accept. I f I am doing a job that I like, work itself can give me a feeling of satisfaction, and my career can also be a lot of fun. Interest is the best guide and the source of the success.

I would be motivated to work hard if I really love this job.

Secondly, salary counts for a lot when I choose my future career. My ultimate goal wh en making a choice is to find something that will make me happy. But to a certain exte nt, my happiness will probably be influenced by my income. A good salary with some variables is necessary to me.

The third element I care about is which city the company locates in .There is no doubt that big cities like Beijing, Guangzhou or shanghai will provide more opportunities. Therefore a majority of graduates prefer working in those places to returning to their h ometown. However, I think a place close to my hometown will be better for me to tak e care of my old mother and father. So I hope where I go to work is not far away from my native place.

Finally, working condition equally affects much when I hunt for a job. As for me, it wi ll be better to work in a company which can provide some holiday every year so that I can travel to anywhere I like. It is also of importance to work with a group of people who are friendly, energetic and well-united.

In a word, the ideal job for me is what combines four factors together. But when I hav e to make a choice, I would choose the one which near my family since “East or wes t, home is best”.(金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝)

Sub-topic 3

How to have a successful job interview?

Topic 4 Interpersonal relationship

Sub-topic 1

What is important in ensuring good human relationships?

Sub-topic 2

What is real friendship? Please use some concrete example(s) to illustrate your
