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第 I 卷(共 75 分)

、听力测试(每小题 1 分,计 20 分)

一) 听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子仅读一遍。

1. A. We go to school on Monday. B. We go to school on Friday.

C. We go to school on Weekdays.

2. A. The computer can 't give us much help.

B. We can do lots of things with the help of the computer.

C. We can 't live without the computer.

3. A. Look, I 've bought a new watch. B. Oh, it 's still early. C. It 's a quarter to nine.

4. A. That 's a good idea. Let 's make a plan for the journey. B. What do you think of it? C. The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.

5. A. It doesn 't matter. B. Don 't be so serious. C. I 'm sorry. I got up late again. (二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图


(三 ) 听下面的对话,选择正确的答案, 听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。



C. 24 yuan.

A A 67

11.How much is a ticket?

A.54 yuan.

B. 45 yuan.

12.When does the train leave?

A.At 11:30.

B. At 12:30.

C. At 14:30.

听第二段对话,回答第13-15 小题。

13.Where did Tony go?

A.New York.

B. Australia.

C. Paris.

14.Whom did Tony go with?

A. His classmates.

B. His foreign friends.

C. His father and mother.

15.When did they come back?

A. This morning.

B. Two days ago.

C. Last night.


(请将答案写在第II 卷相应的位置上)、选择填空(每小题1分,计16 分)

16.Here are some flowers ____ you ______ our best wishes.

A. to; for

B. for; with

C. of; to

D. from; to

17.All of the books, I think I prefer __.

A. a Chinese

B. some Chinese

C. Chinese one

D. a Chinese one

18.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, __ you will be fined

(罚款). A. or B. and C. but D. then

19.—Did you have a good May Day holiday?

—______ . I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach .

A. I 'm afraid not

B. I 'm not sure

C. Of course

D. I hope so

20.The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new math teacher.

A. what

B. whose

C. who

D. which

21.No one can be sure __ in a million years.

A.what man looks like

B. what will man look like

C. what man looked like

D. what man will look like

22.Attention, please. The flight has to be __ because of the heavy rain.

A. put on

B. put off

C. put away

D. put up

23.The new bridge in Wenchuan __ last month. Now it 's easy to go to the city center.

A. built

B. was built

C. has been built

D. were built

24.My daughter wants a rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy__ for her.

A. it

B. one

C. the one

D. that

25.—Are you going to the picnic with us tonight? –Yes.

—You won 't be late, __?

A. should you

B. will you

C. don 't you

D. can you

26.—I 'm leaving for Disneyland for my summer vocation soon.

—That's nice. __.

A. Never mind

B. Have a good trip

C. You 'd better not

D. I have known
