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In the picture we can see that a snail finds a tree with green leaves on the top. Attracted by the delicious leaves, the snail immediately sets about climbing. It tries its best but still fails to get to the top. It falls off the tree and bumps(碰撞) into the ground, painful and dizzy. Nevertheless(然而), it doesn’t lose heart. It raises its spirits(打起精神) to try once more, successfully gaining its delicious dish this time.

The meaning revealed/conveyed in the picture is evident, that is,we are supposed to be determined enough to reach our goals. It is the strong mind that contributes to the little snail’s success. Without determination, it would be impossible for it to get the fascinating leaves. The same goes for(对于…...也一样) us human beings. As the proverb goes, “Man is made of blood and flesh, and a special fiber(纤维) called determination.” Determination is the precursor(先驱) to success.

From my perspective(视角), all of us ought to have determination. It helps us to be strong-minded to overcome the obstacles ahead, especially when we are on a tough road. With determination, we can be motivated(促动,激发) to chase our dreams(追逐梦想) and to perform better in study. Hence(因此) don’t be afraid of failure — be determined! Remember, our aims will be unquestionably attained!

二. 如何写高分作文?


1. 动、名、形、副、连接词等等):fail to do sth., reveal, convey, go, motivate, perform, attain; delicious, painful, dizzy, evident, determined, fascinating, strong-minded, tough; immediately, successfully, especially, unquestionably; nevertheless, that is, from my perspective, hence 词的运用应丰富、多样,而且不能只限于动词和名词,形容词和副词的使用能增加文章的准确性和生动性;连接词的使用可以使文章结构严谨、自然流畅、富有节奏。

2. set about doing, fall off the tree, bump into the gro und, lose heart, raise one’s spirits, be supposed to, reach one’s goals, contribute to(促成),overcome the obstacles ahead, chase one’s dreams, perform better in study


3. with… on the top, It is … that…, Without…, it would be…,The same goes for, As a/the proverb goes


4. attracted(状语), gaining(状语), revealed/conveyed(定语)


5. 使用科学家、作家、诗人、政治家(如莎士比亚、泰戈尔、海伦凯勒、培根、肯尼迪等等)的名人名言或经典名篇中的佳句,绝对“高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵”,对于提升立意具有立竿见影之功效。(注:上面的学生习作第二段引用的谚语恐怕是学生自己编滴^_^)谚语言简意赅、寓意深刻、富有哲理和智慧,也是写作必备的必杀技之一(但是如Where there is a will, there is a way. 或Rome was not built in a day.或Every coin has two sides.已经被用得太滥,用在作文中不但不会帮你加分,反而会影响作
