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第二章句子类型Sentence type

2.0 Introduction 句子类型和作用4种主要句型,陈述句(declarative),疑问句(interrogative),祈使句(imperative),感叹句(exclamatives) 1.Statements are associated with declaratives and primary concerned with giving information. 2.Questions are associated with interrogatives and primary concerned with requiring info.

mands are associated with imperatives and primary concerned with requiring actions.

4.Exclamations are associated with exclamatives and primary concerned with expressing the speaker ’s impression of something. 2.1 Statements 陈述句陈述句通常分为肯定陈述句(Assertion 肯定句)和非肯定句(Non Assertion 非肯定句),与这两种陈述句用法相关联的有3类词,肯定词(Assertive),否定词(Negative)和非肯定词(Non assertive)。Assertion Positive and Declarative Positive Sentence Interrogative Non Assertion Negative Negative 2.1.1 肯定词(Assertive),否定词(Negative)和非肯定词(Non assertive) 以及使用

Assertive Non assertive

Assertive Words Non assertive Words Negative Words

Some Any No

Somebody Anybody Nobody

…. …. …

One or the other Neither Neither

Still Any more, Any longer No more, No longer

Already Yet

*Positive statements usually make assertion, therefore we use assertive words.

Questions are usually non assertive, but they can be assertive when an positive answer is

excepted, therefore, both assertive & non assertive words can be used.

*Negative statements often use 1: not + Non assertive word; 2: Negative word

I do not have any news for you. I have no news for you.

*Non assertive words in Non assertive context.

1. 接在有否定意思的词后They refused to stay here any longer.

2. If 从句if anyone calls me, it must be John.

3. putative should 从句it ’s odd that she should say anything like that.

4. 比较句,he is better than anyone else in the class.

考点 1


2.1.2 Negation

否定句a. 否定词

一般是no, not, 加强否定词:never, not at all, not a single, by no means, not a bit, not in the least, 半否定词,negative in meaning but not in appearance. Seldom, Hardly, Rarely, barely, scarcely, little, few …

b. 否定范围

1. the scope extends from negative words to the end of the sentence.

2. Different intonation on end place adverbial.

3. the scope doesn ’t include disjunction or conjuncts.

4. A particular stress. (intonation)

5. All and every in different stress. (Intonation)

c. 否定转移transfer negation

normally occurs with the words express

”: opinion ”think, believe, suppose, image, expert,

I don ’t think he will come.

but these words: assume, fear, surmise, presume.

I don ’t assume that they

’ve already won the game. ≠I assume that they haven ’t won the game.

2.2 Questions 疑问句


YES-NO Question, 特殊疑问句WH-question, 选择疑问句alternative question, 附加疑问句tag question.


作用: querying the truth of a statement.

特点:用non-assertive words.

作用: asking for confirmation of speaker ’s assumption.

特点: A YES-NO Question with positive orientation use assertive words instead of non assertive. Do you have some questions? ( expect to say yes,)

作用: express the speaker ’s negative attitude towards his own assumption.

特点:negative orientation, with negative words.

Don ’t you have any sense of humor? (I thought you had, but you don


作用:as imperative

特点:negative orientation, with negative words.

Won ’t you come in ?/ sit down?

作用:as exclamation

特点:negative orientation, with negative words.

isn ’t it lovely? WH QUESTIONS 特殊疑问句

作用:require some specific information In the reply. Not query the truth of the statement, but ask for details about a part of it.

考点 4 考点 3
