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The Hunger Games (第一册)书评

The story took place on the North American continent. It shows us the situation about our future. While the technology has undergone a rapid expansion during this time, our world has been ruined by ourselves, the peaceful rules have been broken by ourselves. If we want to live, it depends on others’ death. The book gives us a perfect explanation about friendship and love, even about the greatest love in the world.


Panem in The Hunger Games, seems to depict the version of futuristic America. This country has been divided into 12 districts. Every district has its own symbol. Let's take the First District for example, it lives by luxury goods and the people there are much richer than those living in any other district.


Different from the lucky born in the first district, the heroine is from a slum, living with her mother and sister. Because her father died of an accident, her mother seldom cares about the whole family. It led to shape Katniss's personality, which is unsociable but thoughtful and fearless.


On this imaginary future land, there has been an inhuman game being

put on the stage every year. According to the rules, every district must pick tributes at random to fight for a chance to live, which means at the end of game only ONE competitor can fight his or her way out.


Unfortunately, in the 74th session of The Hunger Games, Katniss's sister was chosen to. In order to save her, Katniss volunteered for this horrible bloody Hunger Games. She preferred dying with dignity to live without freedom and justice. During the game, she weighed up the advantages and disadvantages of love, life and humanity in a right way. By her unyielding spirit and congenital wisdom, she became the victor with Peeta, her partner. She proves how justice and courage should be with her action.

不幸的是,在第74届比赛中,Katniss的妹妹被选中。为了救下妹妹,Katniss 自愿选择代替她参加这场血腥的游戏。相比在禁锢和不平等的制约下生活,Katniss更情愿有尊严的死去。在游戏过程中,她正确地权衡了爱、生活及人性的阴暗面。在她绝不屈服的精神和智慧的支持下,她和她的搭档Peeta成为了胜利者。她用行动证明了公正和勇气的意义。

The whole book leaves readers an unforgettable image,Katniss,who is independent and rational, as well as genuinely caring. No matter how cruel

the reality is, the only thing we should stick to is not to succumb to inequity.

