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语法点:条件句(if,when)、have to、need、must、现在完成时、一般过去式、一般将来时(will),从句



follow the fashion(赶时髦) style(款式) stylish(时髦的) = fashionable be in fashion(流行,时尚,指状态) be out of fashion(过时了) blind(盲目的) rational(理智的) brand(牌子)brand goods(名牌产品) luxurious(奢侈的) keep up with fashion(与潮流同步) hairstyle(发型) dye hair(染头发)stay in fashion(一直流行) practical(实用的) designer(设计师) latest(最新用的) suit(适合v ) suitable(适合的adj) be on sale(打折) match(搭配)wear(earing etc)(戴...首饰) a waste of...(浪费)


1.What is fashion?

2.How important is it for you ?

3.What do you wear in your daily life and to parties ?

4.What are your rules for clothing at your school ?

5.What do you think of the latest fashion for boys / girls ? Why ?

6.What kinds of clothes are fashionable at the moment ?

7.What kind of clothes do you like to wear ?

8.Do you think what you are wearing now is fashionable ? Why ?

9.How do you choose the clothes you wear ?

10.Some people believe that you have to wear clothes with famous labels to look good .what do you think ?

11.In five year ,do you think your clothing style might be different ?

12.What is the fashion trend for boys / girls today ?

13.What kind of fashion i prefer ?

14.When you go to ........,you should wear .......

15.what kind of experience labels do you know of ?

16.What is your opinion about experience clothes ?

17.What is your style and what do you think of it ?

18.What do you wear if you go to a party with your friends ? Why ?

Attend a sports meeting ? Why ?

Go for a job interview ?why ?

Go hiking ? Why ?

Stay at home ? why ?

19.Can you remember some previous fashion trends ?

20.What did you wear when you were younger ?

21.Can you image what fashion trends might be next ?

22.What kind of people like fashion ?

23.What would you do if you become very rich ?

24.Who is the most fashionable boy around you?

25.In your class, do you prefer talking about clothes or study? Why?

26. Do you think fashion needs a lot of money?

27. What is fashion?

28.Should we go after fashion or not?

29. Can we wear earrings at school?

30. What do you think of fashion?

31.What do you think of boys' fashions today?

32.When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother/ grandfather?

33.Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids?

34.How important is fashion to you?

35.What would you love to buy but you can't afford?

36.If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her.

37.What do you think of this fact?

38. What color do you never wear? Why?

39.Do you spend much money in following fashion?

40. Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why?

41. Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy?

42. Do you care about fashion and follow the fashion? Why?

43.I am going to the playground; can you give me some suggestions for what I should wear?

44. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?

45. Do you care about fashion and follow the fashion? If so,in what aspect(哪方面)?

46. Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why?

47.Should we go after(追求) fashion or not?

48.Do you think fashion needs a lot of money?

49.Will you feel unconfident(不自信) if you are not in fashion with the people around you?

50.Can we wear earrings at school?

51.What do you think of fashion?

52.When you get old, do you think you will dress like your grandmother/ grandfather?

53.Some students don’t make friends with others who are not as fashionable as them.How do you think of this fact?

54.Why do many young people today go after famous brands in everything they buy?

55.Nowadays a lot of people travel abroad just as a fashion, What's your opinion on it?
