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authority n.权威,威信n.政府local authorities 当地政府

line n.线v.排队people lined the streets 人们在街上排队crash n.撞击,坠毁v.暴跌

steep a.陡峭的 a.急剧的the steep increase in airline travel screen n.屏幕,屏风v.鉴别,筛选Screen Statistics in Papers job

screener n.面试官

sticker n.黏贴物n.价签one big reason is sticker shock sovereign n.君主 a.独立自主的once a sovereign nation.

community n.社区,团体n.界The astronomy community

shed n.棚;分水岭v.流出to shed tears

shed light on 照亮

round a.圆形的

rounded a.周到的 a more rounded assessment

measure v.测量n.措施The French measures

hit v.打,击n.击中v.到达As many people hit middle age

rule n.规则v.裁决In a rare unanimous ruling

host n.主人v.主办hosting an event

a host of 大量 a host of example

sound n.声音 a.合理的court’s ruling is legally sound

play favorite 偏向,偏心not be allowed to play favorites integrity n. 完整n. 正直unsettling dearth of integrity

across so many of our institution

fan n. 扇子v. 煽动,激起can fan public perceptions of corruption fuel n.燃料v.助燃fuel the efficiency mind-set

runway n.跑道n.T 台employ thin models on runways

faintly a.虚弱的勉强的as faint praise

index n.索引n.指数 a government-defined index of body mass mass n.群众,大量n.质量

industry n.工业n.行业The fashion industry

state n.国家n.状态v.陈述

run v.跑v.运营Yankee nuclear power plant running address n.地址v.处理,解决to address our urgent housing need country n.国家n.乡村

coach n.教练v.训练coach lawyers on the shifting landscape train n.火车v.培训do not need the extra training

belt n.带子n.地带national parks and green belts

sense n.感觉v.嗅到Only Ukip, sensing its chance

side n.侧面v.支持has sided with those pleading b

ack n.后背v.支持reluctance to back it

concrete n.混凝土v.浇灌混凝

土,建造The idea that “housing crisis”equals “concreted meadows”

favor n.帮助v.喜欢the product they favor

spectrum n.光谱n.范围unite left and right of the political spectrum engage v.订婚;使从事v.联和promote maximal engagement

cause n.原因n.事业the cause of world peace

account n.账目v.报账,解释account for strange phenomenon substantial a.本质的 a.大量的are advantages to avoiding substantial


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ditch n.沟渠v.抛弃there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print

dwarf n.侏儒v.使显得矮小print ad. sales still dwarf their online and

mobile counterparts

overhead adv.在头上n.日常开支Overhead may be high and circulation lower circulation n.循环n.发行量increase Science’s circulation

charge v.充电v.指控,控告innocent of the same charge

in charge 负责were in charge at the Times

check v.检查v.限制check the power of the administration

embody v.使具体v.表现,包含and “embody” a spirit of national unity

owe v.欠v.归功于owing to undoubted and respectable status

lame a.跛脚的 a.站不住脚的California’s lame argument

board n.木板n.董事会. the board of Hartford Group

model n.模型v.塑造. want to model their approach after Science

fashion n.时尚;样子 v.制造 to fashion state policies

shape n.形状v.制造reshape our social fabric

frame n.方框,框架v.制造,陷害the dearth of moral purpose

scale n.刻度,等级n.等级,规模need for large-scale public grants

an industrial scale 整个行业的

pronounce v.发音v.宣布this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced point n.点v.指出to be the point person for phone hacking


respect v.尊敬,尊重n.方面In many respects

term n.学期;期限n.术语,条款come to terms with

executive margin a.执行的




Executives were violently agitated

Words degraded to the margin

betray v.背叛,出卖v.揭露betray any common humanity

scheme n.计谋,谋划n.策划introduced the “upfront work search” scheme apparent a.明显的 a.表面的More apparent reasonableness followed

ground n.地,地面n.理由have more grounds for complain

pile n.堆v.堆进,挤进more students to pile into law schools

filer n.文件装订员 n.律师nuisance-lawsuit filer

bar n.小木棒,酒吧n.律师the American Bar Association

body n.身体n.人but the state-level bodies that govern the profession share v.分享n.股份non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm shareholder n.股东in response to shareholder pressure

stake n.桩子;赌金n.股份trying to stake out exclusive rights

stakeholder 股东

feature buy n.相貌特征,特色


v. 特写特别报道


As a News Feature article in Nature discusses

think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buy into it

embrace v.拥抱v.相信Marketers have embraced the two-step flow class n.班级n.阶级You cannot buy class

myth n.神话n.谬论They perpetuate the myth of the lone genius.

scatter v.散开分散各种

各样The goals of the prize-givers seem as scattered as the criticism

nature n.自然n.本性,本质the collaborative nature of modern research release v.释放v.发表 a just released report
