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A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


()1. Where will the girl go this afternoon?

A. B. C.

()2. Why does Mark look very painful?

A. B. C.

()3. Which of the following has Betty run out of?

A. B. C.

()4. What does Tony do to keep fit in the morning?

A. B. C.

()5. How can we get to the city hall?

A. B. C.

B. 听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



()6. What’s the dress made of?

A. Silk

B. Cotton

C. Both silk and cotton.


()7. How did the man feel while watching that movie?

A. Sad.

B. Bored.

C. Excited.


()8.Where might the man be?

A. In a museum.

B. At a zoo.

C. At a theatre.


()9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Mother and son.


()10. What is the man doing?

A. He’s checking in at the hotel.

B. He’s looking for his ID card.

C. He’s booking a room on the phone.


()11. Which is NOT true about Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢)?

A. It’s the largest city of Brazil.

B. It’s the host city for the 2014 World Cup final.

C. It’s the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

()12. How much was the cheapest ticket for the opening of the last Olympics?

A. ¥400.

B. ¥560.

C. ¥1000.


()13. Who is M r. Brown?

A. Jack’s chemistry teacher.

B. Jack’s math teacher.

C. Jack’s physics teacher.

()14. How is Jack getting on with Ms. Potter’s class n ow?

A. He still has many difficulties.

B. He is her top student.

C. He has got better grades.

()15. What are they going to do?

A. To help each other at school.

B. To buy gifts for the teachers.

C. To work harder at school.

C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


()16. Before the storm came, the weather was ________.

A. warm

B. cool

C. hot

()17. The wind blew some of the paper ________.

A. onto the floor

B. out of the door

C. out of the window ()18. They did not go out to see where the sound came from because ________.

A. it was too dark outside

B. it was not safe outside

C. the door would not open

()19. The storm lasted ________.

A. more than three hours

B. exactly three hours

C. less than three hours

()20. Some garden shelves were broken because of ________.

A. the strong wind

B. the heavy rain

C. a falling tree

D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

你将听到的是一篇介绍Family Camping Trip的短文。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。此题不是选择题,请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。本题听两遍。
