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mother wants him _______at home today.


Dasan is from Canada,_____ he can speak Chinese well.

,but , / , so D./,so

________ habits help me get good grades.

her watch _____ yours or different


same same as as same to

am often think so ’s OK. Thank you. D. I’m sorry to hear that.

you often brush your_______ –Yes, I do.

’s ________. That’s _________nice.

much; too much too; much too

too; too much much; much too

shouldn’t eat ________ for 24 hours.


’s very important _________ study hard.


watched the football match last night and______ go to bed_______ 10 o’clock.

’t ; when ’t; as ’t; until ’t ; until

----He has a sore back.

’s the matter with him is wrong with he

’s the matter with his ’s the wrong with him


long is he _________ -----For two weeks.

are _______.

walk walks walks walk

don’t like this shirt. Can you give me __________ one

B. the other other


took _________ to do my homework.

A. me an hour half half an hour half a hour

D. me a half hour

is ______ for him to do today

important something

important anything

am thinking ____ what to do next.


is the weather today

telephone number is 5391939. Please __________.

them down down them it down down it

is _____ for shanghai on Sunday.

C. leaving

D. returning

I ask you ________ questions

A. little

B. a little few

you tell me when you __________home

A. get back to to back back D. get to

you enjoy _________ football


about _____ with us to the Great Wall

B. comes

takes her 20 minutes ________ her homework.

A. finish C. finished D. to finish

Middle School is not far _______ his home.


A. to

B. from

C. with

D. at

does he go to Hong Kong----_________.

the plane air C. Takes the plane the plane

never depends ______ his parents. He likes to do everything _________ himself.

; on ; by ; by D. from; with

30. _______ students in my class like basketball very much.

number of number of numbers of little number

isn’t very_______. She likes to stay at home and read.

A. outgoing

B. kind

C. funny

D. quiet

years ______,the Blacks lived in New York.

A. late

day his parents make him_____in the garden.

A. to work C. work

enjoys ________ the music on Sundays.

A. listening to to D. listen

like to have friends _________ are the same as me.

A. which D. where

should get the job, lucy or Lily

do you think do you think you think whose you think who travels _______ than sound.

A. much fast

B. far fast

C. much faster

D. more faster

38. Liu is a(n) ________girl and she doesn’t like talking much.

B. quieter

C. quiet

D. wild

Lei’s parents _________doctors.

A. are all

B. are both c. all are D. both are is ________shorter than Lucy.

A. very

B. too

C. quite

D. a little go to the doctor. His neck is sore.

A. have to

B. can

C. has to

D. may.

, because I have to look my ’s too_____. Maybe_________ time.

A. bad; another

B. bad; other

C. good; another ; other
