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After-class Exercises and Self-improving material for University Students - Two By Alex 彭Chapter one: Check out the definition of the following words and finish the exercise after it.

Words: Look up the following words in a dictionary and summarize the definition by your own words.

1. abstinent

2. abstract

3. abstruse

4. abysmal

5. accolade

6. accost

7. acerbic

8. acquiesce

9. acrid

10. acrimonious

11. acumen

Exercise: match the words and the brief definitions.

1. abstinent a. hard to understand

2. abstract b. voluntarily avoiding

3. abstruse c. wretched

4. abysmal d. bitter

5. accolade e. comply

6. accost f. harsh

7. acerbic g. mental sharpness

8. acquiesce h. theoretical

9. acrid i. award

10. acrimonious j. approach someone

11. acumen k. sour

参考答案: 1-b;2-h;3-a;4-c;5-i;6-j;7-k;8-e;9-f;10-d;11-g;

Chapter two: Check out the definition of the following words and finish the exercise after it. Words: Look up the following words in a dictionary and summarize the definition by your own words.










10. Pacific

Exercise: match the words and the brief definitions.

A. Match the word on the left to the correct definition on the right:

1. antebellum a. quarrelsome

2. pace b. solemn agreement

3. rebellion c. to make peaceful

4. pacify d. before the war

5. pacifist e. aggressiveness

6. belligerence f. opposition to authority

7. pact g. contrary to the opinion of

8. bellicose h. one who opposes war

参考答案:dgfch eba

B. Fill in each blank with the correct letter:

a. antebellum

b. pacifist

c. pact

d. pace

e. rebellion

f. bellicose

g. pacify

h. belligerence

1. The native ___ began at midnight, when a gang of youths massacred the Newton family and set the house afire.

2. The grand ___ mansion has hardly been altered since it was built in 1841.

3. The Senate Republicans, outraged by their treatment, were in a ___ mood.

4. ___ some of the younger scholars, no good evidence has been found that Japan was involved in the incident .

5. The cease-fire ___ that had been reached with such effort was shattered by the news of the slaughter.

6. Their relations during the divorce proceedings had been mostly friendly, so his ___ in the judge's chambers surprised her.

7. The world watched in amazement as the gentle ___ Gandhi won India its independence with almost no bloodshed.

8. Her soft lullabies could always ___ the unhappy infant. 参考答案:eafd chbg

Chapter three: Check out the definition of the following words and finish the exercise after it. Words: Look up the following words in a dictionary and summarize the definition by your own words.A. paraphrase B. ostensible C. digress D. uncanny E. candor F. morose

G. adept H. saturated I. pragmatic J. congenial K. hunch Exercise: Consider the following questions and decide whether the correct answer is yes or no. 1.When you paraphrase something, can you change the wording? 2.Is an ostensible reason always a true reason?

3.Would someone who speaks with candor be likely to digress?

4.Would seeing a UFO or finding a million dollars in the street be an uncanny experience?

5.Can you describe a morose person as congenial?

6.Does an adept worker do a job well?

7.Would a pragmatic person be likely to make a business decision based on a hunch? 8.Can the market ever be saturated with competing products? 参考答案:YNNYN YNY Chapter four : Writing.

Read carefully the following report, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

summarize the main message of the report, and then

comment on the two points made by Stephen Corry, Survival's Director. You can support yourself with information from the report.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Report exposes the dark side of conservation

A report launched by Survival International-the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights—reveals how conservation has led to the eviction of millions of tribal people from"protected areas,"since"protected areas"like national parks should generally be "no go"for mining, agriculture, dams, roads and pipelines.

Survival's report shows that nearly all protected areas are, or have been, the ancestral homelands of tribal peoples, who have been dependent on, and managed them for thousands of years.But in the name of "conservation",tribal peoples are "being illegally driven out"from these lands and accused of”poaching"; meanwhile, tourists and fee-paying big-game hunters are welcomed in.

Bushman Dauqoo Xukuri from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana said,"I sit and look around the country.Wherever there are bushmen, there is game.Why?Because we know how to take care of animals."

Survival's report concludes that the current model of conservation needs a radical shake-up. Conservation must stick to international law, protect tribal peoples' rights to their lands, listen to them, and then be prepared to back them up as much as they can. Survival's Director Stephen Corry said,Millions are being spent by conservationists every year, and vet the environment's in deepening crisis.Its time to wake up and realize that there is another way and it's much.much better. Firstly, tribal peoples rights’ have to be acknowledged and respected. Secondly, they have to be treated as the best experts at defending their own lands.Conservationists must realize it's they, themselves, who are junior partners."
