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20. have a fever 41.climber 21. break

used to

Unit 2 I ' ll help to clean up the city parks. 1.clea n up 4.give 7.put off 2.cheer

5.v olun teer

8.sig n


22.take breaks (take a 42. risk 2.What ' s the matter break) 43.take risks 3.sore 23.hurt 44.accide nt 4.have a cold 24.passe nger 45.situati on 5.stomachache 25.off 46.kilo 6.have a stomachache 26.get off

47.rock 7.foot 27.to one ' s surprise 48.run out (of) 8.n eck 28.o nto 49.k nife 9.stomach 29.trouble 50.cut off 10.throat 30.hit 51.blood 11.fever 31.right away 52.mea n 12.lie 32.get into 53.gt out of 13.lie dow n 33.herself 54.importa nee 14.rest 34.ba ndage 55.decisi on 15.cough 35.sick 56.c on trol 16.X-ray 36.k nee 57.bi in con trol of 17.toothache 37.no sebleed 58.spirit 18.take one ' s

38.breathe 59.death temperature 39.s un bur ned 60.give up 19.headache


61. nurse

八年级下英语单词 Unit 1 What ' s the matter

9.no 3.cheer up e up with


10.hand out 25.repair 4O.difficulty

11.call o n 26.fix 41.ope n

ed to 27.fix up 42.door

13.lo nely 28.give away 43.carry

14.care for 29.take after 44.train

15.several 3O.broke n 45.excited

16.stro ng 31.wheel 46.train

17.feeli ng 32.letter 47.k indn ess

18.satisfact ion 33.Miss 48.clever

19.joy 34.set up

49. un dersta nd

20.ow ner 35.disabled 5O.cha nge

21.try out 36.make a differe nee 51.i nterest

22.jo urney 37.bli nd 52.sir

23.raise 38.deaf 53.madam

24.al one 39.imagi ne

Unit 3 Could you please clea n your room

1. rubbish 1

2.pass 2


2. take out the rubbish 1

3.borrow 2

4.a ny way

3. fold 1

4.le nd 2

5.depe nd

4. sweep 1

5.fi nger 2


5. floor 1

6.hate 2

7.i ndepe ndence

6. mess 1

7.chore 2

8.fair ness

7. throw 18.while 29.s ince

8. all the time 19.s nack 3O.n eighbor

9. neither 2O.stress 31.take care of lO.shirt 21.waste 32.ill

11.as soon as 22.i n order to 33.drop

34.drop 35.fair Unit 4 Why don ' t you talk to your parents

17. whatever

14. cloud 15. elder 16. i nstead

Unit 5 What were you doing whe n the rai nstorm came

3. go off

3. What ' s wrong

4. mid ni ght

5. look through

6. guess

7. deal

8. big deal

9. work out 10. get on w 11. relation 12. com muni cati on

13. argue 21. seco ndly 22. com muni




one ' s opinion

36.u nfair


