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Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
一、辞职信 工作职位:时尚杂志编辑 结构:三段式 + 三点式 称呼
⑴收件人已知:Dear ×××, ⑵收件人未知:To whom it may concern,
第一段:亮身份 + 表目的
As a(n) 职位 who loves our company/school/institute deeply, I am writing this letter to resign from my present job.
第二段:4 句 ⒈总说 + 三点 ⒉2 点,每点 3 句
I will graduate from 学校 in 时间、月份. I have studied 专业 1 as my major for × years and I have studied 专业 2 as my second major.
专业最好写:⒈职位相关 ⒉万能:English(跟阅卷老师套近乎);computer(学了电脑好就业) In addition, I have rich working experience because I have worked as a part-time 职位 in ××(KFC) company for one year. My rich working experience and strong teamwork spirit will enable me to perform better than other candidates who lack such working experience.
“从......到......让我看到了...... ” ①作文题目《眼》:语文课本就是我的一双眼,带我看到丰富多彩的世界。从孔子的《论语》到老子的《道德经》...... ②作文题目《桥》:语文课本就是一座桥,带我通向丰富多彩的世界。从孔子的《论语》到老子的《道德经》...... ③作文题目《最想说的话》:我最想说的话就是我们应该多去读语文课本,因为那里有丰富多彩的世界。从孔子的 《论语》到老子的《道德经》...... ④作文题目《最难忘的人》:我最难忘的人就是我的语文老师,因为他的课堂如此的丰富多彩,向我展示了大千世 界。从孔子的《论语》到老子的《道德经》...... ⑤作文题目《一花一世界》:一花一世界,一叶一菩提,有人从一朵花看到整个世界,而我从语文课本看到丰富多 彩的大千世界。从孔子的《论语》到老子的《道德经》...... ⑥作文题目《镜子》:有人从平面镜看到真实的世界,有人从三棱镜看到丰富多彩的世界,有人从哈哈镜看到嬉笑 怒骂的世界......语文课本就是我的一面镜子,带我看到丰富多彩的大千世界。从孔子的《论语》到老子的《道德 经》......
Finally, the chance for promotion is so rare that I feel hopeless.
I do apologize for the inconvenience brought by my resignation. I will be grateful if you take my resignation seriously. I am looking forward to your reply.
the position as a(n) 职位. I am convinced that my previous working experience and score list in the university/school can prove my potential to be a qualified 职位.
阿甘正传:Forrest Gump 哈利·波特:Harry Potter 功夫熊猫:Kung Fu Panda
⒈ 正式结尾:
It is very kind of you to read my letter. I will be grateful if you take my recommendation seriously. I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
给朋友,给俱乐部社团小伙伴,推荐书籍、推歌、推荐景点、推荐电影(流浪地球、哪吒) 内容:传统文化、阅读 问题:⒈最近的,重复率高 ⒉名字不会写 ⒊有太多的话想说 用套话,反选推荐内容
⑴收件人已知:Dear ×××, ⑵收件人未知:To whom it may concern,
Finally, this book/this movie is just like a window opening a new world to you, through which you can better understand Chinese culture/Western culture.
It is very kind of you to read my letter. I will be grateful if you take my application seriously. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
变通到极致,不要脸的,21 分作文
As a student who loves our company/school/institute deeply, I am writing this letter to apply for the position as a(n) 职位.
It is very kind of you to read my letter. I will be grateful if you take my application seriously. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
There are at least three reasons that can account for my application. First of all, I find that the work is just as challenging as what I have expected. In addition, I could find a lot of interests in the job. Finally, the payment/salary turns out to be so high that it could cover my living expenses.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
⒈辞职信 ⒉求职信 格式:(3 段)
Dear ×××,
To whom it may concern,
①书名号?? 英语没有书名号
②要不要大写?? 实词首字母大写,虚词不大写
第二段:总说 + 三点
①There are at least three reasons that can account for my recommendation. ②First of all, by reading this lovely book,/seeing this lovely movie, which is full of humor, you will feel amused. ③In addition, as is known to us all, the thing with transient happiness alone will be easily forgotten in our lives. This book/This movie is recommended for its profound truth involved in the joy and humor. ④小窗户:文化(邀请信也可用)
24 分求职信写法:
Dear ×××,
To whom it may concern, As a student who loves our company/school/institute deeply, I am writing this letter to apply for
⒉ 朋友结尾:
I really hope you will enjoy this book/movie. In addition, please send my best wishes to your family. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
骚》到诸葛亮的《出师表》,让我看到了文人对祖国的热爱。从汤显祖的《牡丹亭》到莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽 叶》,让我看到了人世间爱情的真谛。从朱自清的《背影》到高尔基的《母亲》,让我看到人世间亲情的伟大......
As a friend who has a similar taste to you, I am writing this letter to recommend my favourite book/movie:名字.
As a student who loves reading books/seeing films, I am writing this letter to recommend my favourite book/movie:名字.
编辑:an editor
第二段:总说 + 三点
①There are at least three reasons that can account for my resignation.
(没挑战 没兴趣 没钱)
②First of all, I find that the work is not as challenging as what I have expected. ③In addition, I could hardly find any interests in my present job. ④Finally, the payment/salary turns out to be so low that it could hardly cover my living expenses.