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Passage 1


Have you ever tried to

write a poem? It’s easier t

han you might think. Just pi

ck up a pen and begin pract

icing. Here are the steps to

write a poem.

Choose your topic. 1.________ Some people can start writing poem s without really deciding what to wr ite about; when their pen or pencil

hits the paper, the words just flow (畅流). Most people, on the other h and, need a topic and as a beginner, this is the best way to start. It’s easier to write a good poem about s omething you know well or you ha ve experienced.

Write your poem. Remember, a poem doesn’t have to rhyme(押韵).

3.________ But it should show yo ur feelings of the topic. And it shou ld sound nice to you.

Have a friend read your poem aloud to you.

4.________ If not, go back and rewrite the parts you don’t like.

5.________ Read it to others. Read it aloud to yourself. Put it so mewhere if you want.

A. Do you like the way it sounds?

B. Mark(作记号) them and use them in your poem.

C. Enjoy your poem.

D. What would you like your poem to be about?

E. It doesn’t have to use sentences, either.

F. It’s very easy to write a poem.

G. Read your poems loudly when you are free.









A. Do you like the way it sounds?它听


B. Mark(作记号) them and use them in your poem.标记它们并把它们运用到


C. Enjoy your poem.观赏你的诗。

D. What would you like your poem to be about?你想要你的诗是关于什么的?

E. It doesn’t have to use sentences, either.它也不必用句子。

very easy to write a poem.写一F. It’s


G. Read your poems loudly when you are free.当你闲暇的时候大声朗读你


1. D【解析】按照上句“Choose your topic. 选择你的主题。”,再结合备选项可知D项也是关于主题的,故选D。

2. B【解析】按照上两句“Then go back and read it. Are any words or expressions especially good?然后返回去阅读,看看是否有专门好的语



3. E【解析】按照上句“Remem ber, a poem doesn’t have to rhyme (押韵).记住,一首诗不一定要押韵。”,再结合备选项可知E项“它也不必用句子。”符合上下文语境,故选E。

4. A【解析】按照上句“Have a friend read your poem aloud to yo u. 让你的朋友把你的诗大声朗读给



5. C【解析】按照后句“Read it to others.把你的诗读给其他人听。”结合备选项可知C项符合上下文语境,故选C。

Passage 2


Recently, a very simple questio n became widely spread online: Wh at China should be proud of ? 1.__ _____

Lanlan, whose real name is Ne gar Kordi, is from Canada. She cam e to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University. Now s he has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing.

Lanlan loves China and Chines e. 2._______ And that’s why she i s so well received among Chinese n
