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in the top在顶部的内部 at the top在顶部这个范围之内 on the top在顶部的表面


你去爬山,快到山顶的时候,叫at the top of the mountain;

你爬到山顶了,站在最高的点上,叫on the top of the mountain;

你发现石头缝里有一条通道,沿着通道往下走了几步,来到一个溶洞里(这个溶洞还是在山的相对顶部),叫in the tpo of the mountain.


1、一瓶水 a bottle of water

2、两瓶水two bottles of water

3、一副手套a pair of gloves

4、一副太阳镜a pair of sunglasses

5、一双鞋a pair of shoes

6、两双鞋 two pairs of shoes

7、一包巧克力 a bag of chocolates 8、两副手套 two pairs of gloves

9、两瓶牛奶two bottles of milk 10、一瓶苹果汁a bottle of apple juice

11、一袋玉米 a packet of corn 12、两袋玉米 two packets of corn

13、一盒橡皮a box of rubbers 14、三盒牛奶 three boxes of milk

15、一杯水a glass of water 16、两杯果汁two glasses of juice



1. (that) desks are very ’s clean (they).

2. Can you (brush) your teeth,DannyYes,I .

sisters (have) some new (paint).

you (do) now I (play) football.

friend (be) in the playground now.

this (you) English book No,it is (Kitty).

I have (some) hot dogs you are.

many (child) are there in the music room

(there be) one.

(that) (they)cupsYes,they are.

cat (sleep) in the house now..

can you ( hear)I can (hear) a piano.

you (draw) nowNo,I am not.

’s (go) to the garden.

14. (taste) the cake,please.

they (do)

They (dance) in the room.



she (make) a cake Yes,she .

2 .How many rulers (have) John gotHe’s got five rulers.

dogs (be) these They’re Peter’s.

can you (touch) An orange.

you draw) a lemonYes,I can.

(have) your friend got

!My son (sing) an English song.

8. (there be) not (some) apples on the plate.

9. (this) are (fox) .They (like) grapes.

10. (touch) the ’s rough.

’t talk. Mrs Chen (play) the guitar.

’s eleven o’ (eat) lunch.

(like) he (sing) in the hall.

,he (have) a new toy ’s (play) with it.

the cats (chase) the miceYes,they can.

16. (there be) a pen and a ruler in the box.

17. (not run) in the ’s dangerous.


1. There are some orange penciles on the desk .(改为单数)

There orange pencile on the desk .

blue kite is a star. (对划线部分提问)

is the blue kite

’s shoes are dirty. (对划线部分提问)

Shoes are dirty

Chinese books are on the shelf. (对划线部分提问)

are Chinese books

are talking in the office. (改为一般疑问句)

they in the office

6. Her father is writing a letter in the room. (对划线部分提问)

is her father in the room

can swim in the sea.( 改为一般疑问句)

Linda swim in the sea

’s toy bear is beside the window. (对划线部分提问)

Mary’s toy bear

brother can play the pianio. (对划线部分提问)

can her brother

friend’s football is new. (对划线部分提问)

football is new

