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The story of Les Miserables began with Jean Valjean’s being released from the prison. He is sentenced to 5 years hard labor in the South of France Toulon for stealing a loaf of bread to save his starving nephew, but it extended to 19 years because of his trying to escape multiple times.

On the outside, Valjean’s paroled status prevents him from getting work. He is offered shelter by the kindly Bishop of Digne, but Valjean steals his silverware. Valjean is caught and brought back by police, and is astonished when the Bishop lies to the police to save him and also gives him two precious candlesticks. Valjean is shocked when the Bishop says he gave him the silver, then giving him more, telling him to use it to do something worthwhile with his life. Valjean breaks his parole to start a new life.

Eight years later, Valjean is factory owner and mayor of Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais. He contributes a lot to the development of the city. Valjean learns a man has been wrongly identified as him, and reveals his true identity to a court before returning to the dying Fantine, promising to care for Cosette. Javert, a police sergeant who has been tracking the parole-breaker for years, discovers Valjean’s true identity and swears to put him back in jail. To keep his promise to Fantine, Valjean escapes from Javert and rescues Cossette, from the Thenardiers who have been lodging and mistreating the girl for five years.

Valjean and Cosette flee Javert, hiding in a convent. Nine years later, Valjean has become a philanthropist and helps the poor in Paris. General Lamarque, the only government official sympathetic to the poor, dies, and a group of revolutionists called the Friends of the ABC plot to rebel against the monarchy. Marius Pontmercy, a member of the Friends, encounters Cos ette and they fall in love, asking éponine, the Thénardiers’ daughter to help find her.

During Lamarque’s funeral procession, the revolt begins and barricades are built across Paris. Javert pretends to be an ally to spy on the rebels but the street urchin Gavroche exposes him as a policeman, and they subdue him. During the first skirmish against the soldiers, éponine takes a bullet for Marius and dies in his arms, giving him Cosette’s letter and confesses to him beforehand. Gavroche takes Marius’ reply to Valjean, who joins the revolution to guard Marius.

Valjean offers to execute Javert but actually releases him, faking his death. By dawn, the soldiers are close to ending the revolution, storming the students’ barricade and killing everyone but Valjean and Marius, who escape into the sewers. Thénardier comes across Valjean and the unconscious Marius, stealing the latter’s ring, before pointing a way out. Valjean finds Javert waiting for him, ignoring his nemesis’ threats. Javert, morally confused by the merc y of Valjean, commits suicide by throwing himself in the Seine. Marius recovers but is traumatized by the death of his friends.

Marius and Cosette plan to marry but Valjean, concerned his presence would threaten their happiness, makes plans to leave and reveals his identity to Marius, who promises to remain silent. Cosette and Marius marry but the Thénardier's crash the wedding to try and blackmail Marius, Thénardier saying he witnessed Valjean carrying a murdered corpse and showing the stolen ring. Marius assaults Thénardier,
