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( )1. I’m than you.

A. strong

B. thin

C. heavier

( )2.Sam is 160cm tall. Mike is 10cm shorter than him.

How tall is Mike ? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm

( )3. Is he tall ? ________ He is short.

A. No, he is.

B. Yes, he is.

C. No, he isn't.

( )4___did you go on your holiday?----Shanghai.

A. What

B. Where

C. How

( )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take

B. took

C. taking

( ) 6.What size are your ___________?

A. shoe



( )7. I my room and watched TV .Now my room

is than my sister's.

A. clean cleaner

B. cleaned cleaner

C. cleaned cleaning

( ) 8.How ______is your best friend ? ----- Thirteen years old

A、old B 、tall C、heavy

( ) 9、They won’t _______ ready till August.



C.is D are

( ) 10、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:________

A、How long is Tom?

B、How tall is Tom?

C、How old is Tom? ( ) 11、当你想表达“你的床有多长”?时,你应该说:____

A 、How long is your bed ?

B 、How big is your bed ?

C 、How large is your bed ?

( ) 12、当你想知道你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:_______

A 、How tall are you ? B、How old are you ?

C 、How heavy are you ?

( ) 13. My hands are bigger than .

A. you

B. your

C. yours

( ) 14. I’m 5 older than you .

A. years

B. cm

C. year

( ) 15. Tom looks than Lucy.

A. happy

B. happier

C. happiest

( ) 16. You ____taller than me last year, but now I ____ taller than you.

A. was, were

B. are, am

C. were, am D were, was

( ) 17.My brother wrote a letter and _____ last night.

A. watch TV

B. read a book

C. see a film D eat apples

( ) 18. Did you _________ the room yesterday?

A. clean

B. cleaned

C. cleaning

D. cleans

( ) 19. How ______ Peter feel? He is happy .

A. are

B. do

C. does

D. is

( )20、--- ____?-Because I am very cold.

A、How do you put on your coat?

B、Why do you put on your coat?

C、What do you put on your coat?

D、Where do you put on your coat?


This girl 21 twelve. 22 name is Kate. That

boy 23 thirteen. 24 name is Tom. 25 teacher 26 a woman. 27 name is Liu Yun. 28 is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good 29 . 30 are also good students.

( ) 21.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( ) 22 A. My B. Your C. His D. Her

( )23.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )24.A. His B. Your C. My D. Her

( )25.A. The y’s B. They’re C. They D. Their

( )26.A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )27 A. His B. Her C. She’s D. He’s

( )28.A. She’s B. He’s C. She D. He

( )29.A.friend’s B. friends C. friend D. friends’

( )30.A.They B. They’re C. their D. them
