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Unit 7 Protect the Earth 知识点梳理


1. protect the Earth 保护地球

2. drink water 喝水

3. useful things有用的东西

4. use water to clean things 用水洗东西

5. every day 每天

6. in many places 在许多地方

7. too much water 太多水8. too many bags 太多的包

9. waste water 浪费水10. reuse and save water 再利用和节水

11. most of our energy 许多能源12. use a lot of energy 使用许多能源

13. save energy 节能14. come from coal and oil 来自煤矿和石油

15. drive so much 多开车16. come from trees来自于树木

17. use wood to make chairs 用木头制作椅子18. the other students 其它的学生

19. many other things 许多其它的东西20. cut down too many trees 砍掉太多的树

21. help keep the air clean 帮助净化空气22. use too much plastic 用太多的塑料23. be bad for the Earth 对地球有害24. use paper bags用纸袋子/ 包

25. glass bottles玻璃瓶26. collect plastic bags 收集塑料袋

27. reuse these things 再利用这些东西28. reuse paper to make a box 再利用纸做盒子

29. reuse plastic bottles to make a toy 再利用塑料瓶做玩具

30. have fun 有乐趣31. every morning and afternoon每天早晨和下午

32. Earth Day 地球日33. World Environment Day 世界环境日

34. on 22nd April 在4月22日35. on 5th June 在6月5日

36. love and protect our Earth 喜爱和保护我们的地球37. on Earth (on the Earth) 在地球上

38. do a project 做一个任务39. know this知道这个

40. make a poster 做一张海报41. tell them about it 告诉他们关于它

42. start drawing 开始画画43. let me draw the Earth first 让我先画个地球

44. look nice 看上去很漂亮45. draw some bananas on the tree 在树上画一些香蕉

46. put it at the school gate 把它放在校门口


1、We use water to clean things. 我们用水洗东西。

2、 We use plastic to make bags and bottles. 我们用塑料制作包和瓶子。

3、 We use wood to make tables, chairs and other things. 我们用木头制作桌子,椅子和其它东西。

4、We should use paper bags and glass bottles. 我们应该使用纸袋和玻璃瓶。

5、We should save trees. 我们应该节约用树。

6、 We should not drive so much. 我们不应该多开车。

7、We should not use too many plastic bags and bottles. 我们不应该多用塑料袋和塑料瓶。

8、We should not cut down too many trees. 我们不应该砍太多的树。

9、We should not waste water. 我们不应该浪费水。

10、In many places, there is not much water. 在许多地方没有足够的用水。

11、Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. 我们的能源大部分来自于煤炭和石油。

12、Wood comes from trees. 木材来自于树木。

13、Too much plastic is bad for the Earth. 太多的塑料对地球有害。


1. Save the world, save our lives. 拯救地球,拯救我们自己。

2. We are the world. 我们即世界。

3. Save our world, save our future. 拯救环境,拯救未来。

4. Save our energy, save our planet. 节约能源,拯救地球。

5. Play your role. 从我做起。

6. Love the Earth, love life. 爱地球,爱生命。

7. Think green. 树立绿色意识。

8. Be seen to be green. 低碳生活,从我做起。

9. Recycle the present, save the future. 现在回收,将来不愁。


Protect the Earth

To protect the Earth, we should save water. Water is useful. We should save energy. We should save trees too. They help keep the air clean. We shouldn’t use too much plastic. …


1.总结归纳所有学过的不可数名词:oil, coal, plastic, wood, energy, water , juice, tea, coffee,

honey, bread, .....


3. much+不可数名词many + 可数名词复数

3. should(否)shouldn't + 动词原形
